宋孝宗SongXiaozong动态投稿 41 合集和列表 0 关注数 340 粉丝数 65 TA的视频27更多 最新发布 最多播放 最多收藏 播放全部 00:35果然运动员最后的归路是直播带货 1110 2024-1-14 00:13峰哥连接于力实锤 47 2024-1-10 00:16vivo橘子系统的睡眠健康 156 2024-1-9 ...
宋孝宗皇帝 摘自:五灯会元 - 宋·普济 孝宗皇帝宣问灵隐佛照光禅师,曰:「释迦佛入山修道,六年而成,所成者何事?请师明说。」对曰:「将谓陛下忘却!」更多:https://www.bmcx.com/
南宋孝宗 摘自:佛学大词典 (1127~1194)南宋之第二代帝王。名慎。高宗绍兴三十二年(1162 )即位。在位期间,改革吏治、削减军费、开发江南,政治清明,社会繁荣。帝笃信佛法,曾先后参访径山宗杲、灵山子琳、住山若纳、灵隐慧远等诸师。又于大内建造观堂,研习禅法。淳熙七年(1180),召请云宝寺之宝印禅师至宫中,论...
In fact, there was takeout as far back as Song Dynasty. Emperor Xiaozong (孝宗皇帝) liked to order takeout late at night. His servants then went around the city to pick up the dishes and brought them back to the palace.Common people also ordered takeout. Restaurant waiters would go out...
Emperor Xiaozong of Song (27 November 1127 – 28 June 1194), personal name Zhao Shen, courtesy name Yuanyong, was the 11th emperor of the Song dynasty of China and the second emperor of the Southern Song dynasty. He started his reign in 1162 when his adoptive father and predecessor, ...
【题目】焦l()ru智()zhou夜()背song()yoo言()埋zong()抱qian()zhi序()深xiao()shuo果()咳sou()调geng()草shuai()you然()huan想()jiao样()péng pai( )( )kang kai( )( )当之无kui()家yù户晓()锋芒bi露()马革 guo尸()chi zha风云()()字zhen句zhuo()() ...
可是我们相逢在万泉河,所以我们要感谢麦德龙、感谢尹总,感谢小嵩,感谢清华大学的黄老太太,感谢至高无上的佛祖,是他们安排我们今世再度相逢。 Dear fine, we so have the fate, you are the most north side, I am the most south side.But we meet by chance in Wanquan River, therefore we must thank ...
可是我们相逢在万泉河,所以我们要感谢麦德龙、感谢尹总,感谢小嵩,感谢清华大学的黄老太太,感谢至高无上的佛祖,是他们安排我俩今世再度相逢。 Dear fine, we so have the fate, you are the most north side, I am the most south side.But we meet by chance in Wanquan River, therefore we must thank ...
【题目】zong biqi yi纵笔(其一)song su shi[宋]苏轼ji ji dong po yi bing weng寂寂东坡一病翁,bai xu xiao san man shuang feng白须萧散满霜风。xido er wu xi zhu yan zai小儿误喜朱颜在yi xiao na zhi shi jiu hong一笑那知是酒红。zong bi zhe shou shi yu song yuan fu er nian纵笔:这首...