Oh, "Return to sender, No one no longer lives here" Well, it's too bad you waited Twenty some odd years To realize you hated This mess that you've created Oh, I am never coming, I am never coming, I am never coming home Well, it's too bad you waited Twenty some odd year...
What we have is special no return to sender We go weather the storm promise to be strong Never surrender through the roller coaster I go be your partner depended on each other Be there for one another don’t be a stranger Lets get together forever – just remember For richer or poorer ...
Don't need no luck we aim to suck just for the fun of it They say you can't be kind so don't you bother wasting Your precious energy is victory for they're tasting I said (Damn) Another crack pot scam I thought that things were going great ...
RichTextBox文本保存为WORD格式: privatevoidbutton1_Click(objectsender, System.EventArgs e) {//保存为WORD文件 if(this.richTextBox1.Text=="") return; if(this.saveFileDialog1.ShowDialog()==DialogResult.Cancel) return; stringFileName=this.saveFileDialog1.FileName; if(FileName.Length<1) return; Fi...