This unique round-up was inspired by the substantial number of songs with the intriguing word 'child' in their title and the exhilarating curiosity to discover how fans and critics rank them. In no particular order, this list introduces esteemed songs such as "Sweet Child O' Mine" by Guns ...
Step back into the vibrant era of neon, leg warmers, and the Walkman with our dive into the Greatest '80s Pop Songs. The 1980s were a time of bold style, colors, and sounds, particularly in the music world. From the synth-pop hooks of A-ha's Take On Me to the enduring anthems ...
This started as a dark Christmas song, but when Judy Garland complained that some of Hugh Martin’s lyrics were uncomfortably bleak, he altered them and “Have yourself a merry little Christmas/It may be your last/Next year we may all be living in the past” became “Have yourself a merr...
Paul McCartney, British vocalist, songwriter, composer, and bass player whose work with the Beatles in the 1960s helped lift popular music from its origins in the entertainment business and transform it into a creative, highly commercial art form. Learn
Powered byPlay the Full Song Cyndi Lauper was nervous about “Time After Time” — the aching ballad she wrote in the studio with keyboardist Rob Hyman to finish off her blockbuster solo debut, She’s So Unusual.“I asked them to please not put ‘Time After Time’ out as the first ...
What do you get if you take a sample of Nancy Sinatra’s “These Boots Are Made for Walkin’,” mix it with an interpolation of the Beach Boys’ “Good Vibrations” and douse the whole concoction in the essence of Tina Turner? Well, you get “Ya Ya,” of course, the best song on...
12345OnceIcaughtafishalive.678910ThenIletitgoagain.Whydidyouletitgo„causeitbitmyfingerso.Whichfingerdiditbite?Thisisthefingerontheright.Twolittleblackbirds Twolittleblackbirdsaresittingonthehill.OnenameisJackandtheothernameisJill.Flyaway,Jackandflyaway,Jill.Comeback,Jackandcomeback,Jill.Nancy,...
Which one was best? Our ranking of all 81 Steve Perry Journey songs counts them down, leaving out instrumentals (since those were showcases forNeal Schon) as well as early-era Journey duets withGregg Rolieor Schon where Perry wasn't the focus. ...
Finally the only way they could remember it was to sing the actual notes: A-B-A-C-A-B and hence the song got a name. "All I wanna do is make love to you", Heart This song is about a married woman who can't conceive with her husband so she goes about having one night stands...
Killicrankie, folk song with variations for voice & piano trio, H. ii/533/6 If a body meet a body ('O Tibbie I have seen the day'), folk song for voice, violin, cello & keyboard, H. 31a/80bis Auld Robin Gray ('When the sheep are in the fauld'), folk song for voice, violi...