Sing songs that relate to the spirit; it is such a beautiful emotional release. You will always be grateful to yourself. It is a perfect way to stay sane. -- Yogi BhajanThe use of music for spiritual attainment and healing of the soul, which was prevalent in ancient times, is not ...
that he or she will not have. Ask for nothing, just praise the Lord." Siri Singh Sahib of Sikh Dharma The Many Facets of Japji Sahib Reciting the entire Japji daily balances all aspects of yourself, and activates your soul. You may also choose to recite one Pauri 11 times each day to...
That surprise repair cost, along with the stress of having to rearrange my travel plans, made me acutely aware of how essential it is to maintain an emergency fund. It’s about so much more than merely saving money; it’s about creating a safety net that empowers us to navigate life’...
In this song, JJ Heller talks about how everything seems so uncertain, and “nothing’s what it was two weeks ago.” I’m sure we can all relate to this feeling. But the song goes on to remind us that God is still in control: “But you already know You already know Everything I...
This song is the best of Poltergeist since it perfectly blends the elements of his brand with a catchy sound. The catchy song comes from the mix of musical elements that give the song a beat that someone would dance to. Yet, this catchiness is established while still keeping the trademark...
aIf you stress over your tresses to the point that unruly hair ruins you mood, you are not alone. 如果您注重在您的发辫对点难驾驭的头发破坏您心情,您不是单独的。[translate] a我在逛街和我同学 I am window-shopping with my schoolmate[translate] ...
stories of starting from the bottom and hustling to come out on top—they are stories of struggle, pain, confidence, and determination. These are things we can all relate to, and that's part of the reason hip-hop has spread to suburbs and foreign countries and from street corners to ...
Children’s songs that build character, social, and emotional skills. PreviousNext 123456 Help your kids get the most out of life with these building blocks to happiness and success. Free Songs Here Listening to music and singing these age-appropriate songs is a fun-filled and effective way to...
Songs that make our hearts happy can make them stronger too, US researchers reported on Tuesday.They found that when people listened to their favorite music, their blood vessels dilated in much the same way as when they are laughing, or taking blood medi
Chinese, “对不起我的中文不好 (Sorry, My Chinese is Not Good)” by Transition is a delightful pick, particularly for those who can relate to the lyrics as Mandarin learners. Transition, an English rock band, brings a fresh and engaging perspective to the Mandarin-learning experience with this...