1、那英歌曲之歌词汇编(A compilation of Na Yings songs)Think of this way and thatNa YingWord: Michael song: GaryChase/NathanWangLike the river loves the ocean and loves youI want to become a boat, rowing to youYour heart is not clear through the oceanWill it be too long to be ...
Israel and daughters (maidens) of Jerusalem. We could see the gardens, natural flowers like lilies and roses, fruits like apples, grapes and pomegranates, fragrances like cinnamon and saffron in this lyrical poem accompanied by its impressive, unfolding love story. In fact, these elements are mor...
As if the beginning and its unmistakable guitar riff isn't enough, the whole thing winds up with the second half, the piano-driven section. Being a piano player, I've always been drawn to the sheer beauty of this second part (not to mention that the piano is a featured part of the ...
Anyone who’s known such tremendous loss can surely feel the love, pain, and cathartic closure at the core of this gentle giant of a song. Once we know it, grief never fully leaves us – but it does subside, and the waves come less and less frequently over time. “Ohio Laundry Room...
Swift is scathingly and brilliantly self-aware as she acknowledges the world's view of her reputation: "Got a long list of ex-lovers/ They'll tell you I'm insane/ 'Cause you know I love the players/ And you love the game."
La Nuit Lady A Les Jours De La Semaine Let's Be Together Today Let's Go Around Let's Think of Something To Do Litter Song, The Lonely Kind of Thing, A Look and Listen Looking For a Friend Love is People Lullaby Ugga Mugga
The Whiz ▶ There goes the neighborhood ▶ Life by Topo - Instrumental Version ▶ A kiss I'll never feel ▶ Necessary evils ▶ Suppose to be ▶ Friends ▶ Skit ▶ Don't mention it ▶ Hectic ▶ Games ▶ Beg for you ▶ Partner ▶ I. O. B. K. ▶ Life of Wh...
Thinkofthiswayandthat NaYing Word:Michaelsong:GaryChase/NathanWang Liketheriverlovestheoceanandlovesyou Iwanttobecomeaboat,rowingtoyou Yourheartisnotclearthroughtheocean Willitbetoolongtobestrangers? Mytearsbendandmeanderintoariver Icanonlystandontheshorewithoutaclaim Hethoughtandthought Loveyou,lovegood,...
And I know that next time, ain't always gonna happen I gotta say, "I love you" while we're here [Pre-Chorus: Tom DeLonge] Do I have to die to hear you miss me? Do I have to die to hear you say goodbye? I don't want to act like there's tomorrow ...
("Do not arouse or awaken love until it so desires,"2:7). She also proclaims its overwhelming power -- it rivals that of the fearsome enemy, death; it burns with the intensity of a blazing fire; it is unquenchable even by the ocean depths (8:6-7a). She affirms its preciousness: ...