Songs of Syx is a fantasy city-builder where you start off as an insignificant colony and build, scheme, and fight your way towards a metropolis and empire. The mechanics are complex and true to life, where small events can spiral into the collapse of ki
Job Priority 工作优先级A simple tool to prioritize jobs, maybe a queue of 1000 jobs. With this, I’ll scrap the work camp.优先级工作的简单工具,也许是1000个作业的队列。这样,我将废除工作营。 Wiki update Wiki更新 Law and health rebalance 法律和健康重新平衡 Editors 编辑Editors for both the wo...
希克斯之歌/西克斯之歌 Songs of syx汉化组日志(二) 在这里感谢所有参与Songs of syx汉化的同学,大家辛苦了。 这里是负责 Chinese Simplified 简体中文 的翻译小组的汉化日志。 因为许多译者是以个人身份参与汉化,并非以汉化组的名义进行,所以该日志仅代表我们的汉化小组,不代表所有译者的态度与行动。 这里是针对 EA...
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The use of walls when building rooms have been improved. Huge refactorings, making the game less error prone. New Housing panel panel with improved overlay and tools. Oddjobbers will find homes faster. Improved the top panel. Remade and improved bottom panel. Wiki improved + moved race info ...
It was necessary to create the directory ~/.local/share/songsofsyx before the game would start. After that, everything seems to be running perfectly. Mufflin(23 reports) Distro:Linux Mint 21 Kernel:5.15.0-41-generic RAM:32 GB GPU Driver:4.6 Mesa 22.0.5 ...
Visit board: here.访问开发面板: undercooked ideas 未熟练的想法 zombies 僵尸 Artifacts 文物Ancient artefacts to uncover, that can have different uses, and tell a tale.古老的文物可以发现,可以有不同的用途,并讲述一个故事。
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