《Songs in the Key of Life》是由美国盲人天才歌手Stevie Wonder(史蒂夫·汪德)于1976年发行的专辑。该专辑包含了11首歌曲。该专辑在滚石杂志选出的500张历代最强专辑中排名第56位。专辑介绍 美国盲人天才Stevie Wonder1976年的一张经典专辑,被许多人认为是他最杰出的作品,他为了筹划这张专辑共用了大约3年的...
Before it, in the 1950s and 1960s, more than fifty thousand whales per year were killed. After it, the number went down below two thousand. It might seem impossible that just one album could help save the lives of so many whales. But this album told people secrets about whales that ...
The world audience for music in the 1950s was the largest in history and showed every sign of growing even larger. Musicians of reputation were in such demand that they could have been performing every day of the year. Traditional seasonal patterns had disappeared. Advertisement In the U.S.,...
The Greatest Songs of the 1950S & 1960S - Volumes 1-12 (The Complete Compendium Anthology plus Bonus Volume of One Hit Wonders) 来自:Various Artists 无 收藏 共50首歌 I'm Your Hoochie Coochie ManMuddy Waters Mambo ItalianoRosemary Clooney Mannish BoyMuddy Waters Come Go with Methe del ...
Before it, in the 1950s and 1960s, more than fifty thousand whales per year were killed. After it, the number went down below two thousand.It might seem impossible that just one album could help save the lives of so many whales. But this album told people secrets about whales that had...
The 1950s was a decade of many firsts; seat belts were introduced in 1952,Disneylandopened in 1955, and NASAwas founded in 1959. In the world of music, the 1950s is known as the birth of rock 'n' roll with hits like "Rock Around the Clock" by Bill Haley and the Comets domin...
根据第五段In1982,abantostopdeep-seawhalingwasmade.Beforeit,inthe1950sand1960s,morethanfiftythousandwhalesperyearwerekilled.Afterit,thenumberwentdownbelowtwothousand.(1982 年,一项关于停止深海捕鲸的禁令颁布。在此之前的二十世纪五六十年代,每年捕杀的鲸鱼超过五万头。之后,数量减少到两千以下。)可知这张专辑...
In the 1960s, Watlington was making underwater recordings when he noticed some strange, deep sounds. He realized they were coming from whales. Watlington played the recordings for a pair of scientists named Roger Payne and Katy Payne.(如果没有一位名 叫Frank Watlington的声音工程师,这张专辑...
WAY WE WERE IN THE 1950s (Favourite Songs and Golden Memories)Adams, Kurt