Next, we’ll introduce 16 songs we think are great to add to your song repertoire. Although most are suitable for beginner ukulele players, there are a few more challenging songs thrown in as well. The songs focus on the most essential basic ukulele chords but may have some surprises in t...
This early 2000s earworm by Jason Mraz is a super popular choice for beginner ukulele players, and with good reason. Unlike some of the other easy ukulele songs for beginners on this list, “I’m Yours” prominently features a ukulele on the actual record. This means that your version wil...
There are already people who have done ukulele covers of this song by Sam Smith. For example, a user known as ukulenny goes further as to add a little music theory into the mix. Ukulenny also teaches others how to use the instrument if you are a beginner. The best part about his tea...
As a beginner it is usually ok to play just the G major, but hey it doesn’t hurt to learn it now! (The link above is for a guitar, many ukulele tabs of this song are in the Key of F and or G and while it is fine to play it that way, our goal is to stick with the ...
Jen Trani runs through four chords (A minor, C, F and G) of the National's "I Need My Girl" to give you a simplified strumming version of the 2013 single. It's perfect for a beginner, as using a capo makes this song easier to play. ...
With popular music where it’s at today using simple chords, it’s easier than ever for a beginner to strum recognizable songs on their ukulele. Pick a favorite here and click through to the chords to get started. Make it even easier: ...
An adult beginner brought this tune to my attention. It’s a fun song to sing, works well for a singing duo and can be strummed as a campfire song or as a full-blown rock tune complete with guitar solos. This is one of the sleepers on the list. The chord progression is a variatio...
If you love any of the songs below, chances are we offer a lesson in bass, ukulele, piano, or singing for it. You and your friends can finally get together and create that band you have always dreamed of. 20 fun and easy guitar songs for beginners Below are 20 easy, beginner-friendly...
If you still want more, check out the Fender Beginner's Hub to get started. What is the best way to get started with guitar? 1. Set goals. What do you want to play and why? 2. Get the right guitar (visit our Beginner's Hub). The right gear gets you playing better, faster. ...
Songs with two, three and four chords | For beginner to intermediate The free resource for this guide is a songbook that will teach you some popular and easy tunes, like "Bad Moon Raising", " Hallelujah", or "Hey Joe". Click the button below to request your access to the free download...