题目是后摇乐队the tumbled sea的专辑<<songs by the tumbled sea>>中的一首曲名,他们的音乐能把钢琴与电子乐结合的如此上神,听得我出神。 今年的我过了最有趣的一个年,今年的我享受了最后的一个长假,今年的我买了最贵的一双鞋,今年的我告别了最后的一个摇... (展开) 30 1 13回应 Giwi 2011-02-...
歌手:the tumbled sea。发行时间:2008-11-28。发行公司:。网易云音乐是一款专注于发现与分享的音乐产品,依托专业音乐人、DJ、好友推荐及社交功能,为用户打造全新的音乐生活。
如果你喜欢The Tumbled Sea的专辑《Songs By The Tumbled Sea》里的歌曲,可以把下面的歌曲连接发给你的朋友: 1.97202 - The Tumbled Sea https://www.5nd.com/ting/406852.html 2.Walking - The Tumbled Sea https://www.5nd.com/ting/406853.html 3.Emily's Song - The Tumbled Sea https://www.5nd....
the tumbled sea,来自美国马萨诸塞州波士顿的单人团。Sam Lee的个人音乐计划,2010年Sam Lee和Alex Caplow共同创建了双人组合(后有新成员加入),摇滚乐队Magic Man,并担任乐队吉他手和键盘手。 从艺历程:2008年,发行第一张专辑《songs by the tumbled sea》 2009年,发行第二张专辑《melody/summer》 2011年,新单...
前天早上醒来的时候,发现窗外正下着扑扑簌簌的雨,在这个秋老虎已肆虐多天的日子里,我还能说些什么呢,秋雨来的正是时候;躺在床上晕晕沉沉的我打开了mp3,不一会儿便传来了The Tumbled Sea的这首《Emily's Song》,在这个无所事事的秋日清晨,我还能做些什么呢,回忆来得正是时候。我的公众号...
by. But I know what is wrong, And I know what is right. And I’d die for the truth In My Secret Life. Hold on, hold on, my brother. My sister, hold on tight. I finally got my orders. I’ll be marching through the morning, Marching through the night, Moving cross the borders...
THE GENTLEMAN ABOUT TOWN has performed a service of notable worth in preserving and giving definitive form to the wealth of latter-day folk-lore which is contained within the covers of "Immortalia." American folk-lore has of necessity sought cover, driven by the undiscriminating tirades and ...
By cock, they are to blame. Quoth she, before you >tumbled me, You promised me to wed. (Hamlet, 4.5.56-61), Ophelia They bore him barefac'd on the bier: Hey non nonny, nonny, hey nonny: And in his grave rain'd many a tear. ...
Around 3 P.M., Knapp and I boarded his dinghy and made the short trip to the west side of Luis Peña Nature Reserve. We rubbed soap on our goggles to prevent them from fogging, slid our feet into fins, and tumbled into the water. ...