A wizard named Merlina, granddaughter of the original Merlin, summons Sonic to help free the mystical realm of King Arthur, who has been possessed by an unknown evil that comes from Excalibur's scabbard, and is now ruling the realm as the tyrannical Black Knight. Sonic's speed alone will ...
My kids LOVED these CDs when they were little and I would love to get it for my granddaughter.Meg P. I had this as a personalised cassette when I was growing up and want my daughter to have this experience too. I loved having my name in the songs.Cassie R. ...
I can't think of the names right now but there were many that were used and I would love to teach these to my granddaughter. Thanks if you can help me out. Thank you for this web site! I have had several of these songs in my head but didn't have all of the words... now I...
or if you’ve been fingerpicking but want to add some more songs into your arsenal. However, fingerpicking poses its own set of challenges, so if you run into any problems, don’t hesitate to post your comment below and we’ll talk about it. ...
(The latter has DNA on her side: she’s Elvis Presley’s granddaughter.) It’s also the series’ most blatantly Mac-sounding track, particularly in a guitar solo that sounds only a few DNA strands removed from “The Chain.” But when those two are leaning into the same mic and trading...
MOLIAE Short Stories Epic RETURN Show Epi # 68|"Princess Hannah and Queen Mother Mana Visits the Royal Sudan"| The Royal Mother of Queen Hagar, "Queen MOTHER MANA" has Princess Hannah on a grandma and granddaughter trip to visit the territories south of Sudan (Africa) and get in unexpected...
Just 5 years ago, under the guidance of the founder’s granddaughter Lisa Yamai, the brand brought its expertise in outdoors design to a new arena: technical outdoor garments. Snow Peak makes upscale techwear filtered through the lens of a campsite. Cuts are relaxed. Waterproof membranes are ...