angie disguising herself as a high-class prostitute in order to get close to james. along the way angie meet nina a prostitute. there something about nina that angie have a bond with. it might be because she remind angie of her younger sister who have die since they were kids. watch ...
OK, so there's something of a female empowerment thing happening in this part of the list, butJo Dee Messinais taking charge of her life, too, with "Bye Bye," a late '90s country hit. "I've got pride / I'm taking it for a ride," she sings on this all-time great breakup so...
This controversial country classic isn't exactly about divorce, per se — it's about the stigma that follows women after divorce. Lynn put out "Rated X" in 1972, when divorce was rarer and more stigmatized than it is today. Later that year, she'd go on to be the first woman to win...
Something. Where…was her voice? The piano was carrying the melody, the piano was carrying…everything. The third song began and the piano was alone again and there was no more milling about, there was sitting down, there was paying attention. So beautiful and stark, so sharp and striking...
t let the kid I get that you want money and some people are buying form you but what about the others what about then I just think that there should have more free songs because I really like piano and I want to get better but that money problem isn’t gonna make me better and ...
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Unlike buying a single-family home, condo buyers must adhere to federal and statelaws. These laws vary from one place to another, so your jurisdiction’s regulations should be something you need to understand. This includes knowing about zoning laws, the Homeowner’s Association (HOA) rules, ...
“Lemon Pepper Freestyle” is a six-and-a-half-minute single without a hook, built on a repetitive vocal loop, about a chicken-wing baron and his favorite dry rub. And while Rick Ross’ velveteen raps about buying sports teams and social distancing with snitches are comfortably familiar, ...
There is no story or deeper insight that I can give you about this song. Lassie and Where the Hell is Bill were silly but there was at least a point to the songs. Plus both songs were pretty jokey. Something that seemed popular at the time. When we first put out the Telephone-Free...
“Something About Space Dude” is one of Miley’s loneliest songs, a highlight ofDead Petz, with the Flaming Lips. It’s full of acoustic guitar and her synth-filtered voice singing about the deep isolation of being in love with a “space dude” who’s beautiful but too distant. As sh...