Song Han's research interest is efficient deep learning computing. He received his PhD degree from Stanford University advised by Prof. Bill Dally. He is also an Associate Professor at MIT ( Song proposed the “Deep Compression” techniq
Song Han is an assistant professor at MIT’s EECS. His research focuses on efficient deep learning computing and TinyML techniques, including model compression, hardware-aware neural architecture search, and AI accelerators. 开发中心 Authors
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Song Han is an associate professor at MIT EECS and distinguished scientist at NVIDIA. His research interest is efficient AI computing. - songhan
Song Han is an associate professor at MIT EECS and distinguished scientist at NVIDIA. His research interest is efficient AI computing. - songhan
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Song Han Badges 20 Trophies 2 Reputation point 1 Accepted answers 0 Followers 0 Level 694%31,725/32,299 XP Learning Paths Trophy Realize Integrated Analytical Solutions with Azure Synapse Analytics Completed on8/30/2021 Modules Badge Understand data warehouse developer features of Azure Synapse Analyti...