“Strawberry Fields Forever” was first released in America as a single on February 13th, 1967, four days before it was released as a single in Britain. Six months had passed since The Beatles’ last single (“Yellow Submarine /Eleanor Rigby”) and manager Brian Epstein was worried that the...
Listen to Strawberry Fields Forever (Stereo Mix 2015) by The Beatles on Apple Music. 1967. Duration: 4:06
歌名:Set Fire to the Love Song 歌手:Adele / Selena Gomez 专辑:最新热歌慢摇93 本视频/封面制作仅为分享和推荐,若有冒犯侵权请联系本人,我会马上删除,感谢您的支持。 PS:私信【鹿鸣音乐】即可获得高音质音乐音频 Love You Like A Love Song 粉丝音乐安利大赛 ...
《Stay Here Forever》 02:58 日推歌单丨“你没有走错路 你是在等待风的到来 你只是在港口养精蓄锐 直到好风吹起来。”《insomnia》 03:44 日推歌单丨“不太🔥的乐队生了一个主唱之后,喔喔喔太酷啦!泰酷辣!!!”《My Stupid Heart》 02:49 日推歌单丨“在大大的世界里,也要勇敢做自己!”《Big Big ...
Listen to Strawberry Fields Forever (Raspberry Ripple Mix) by Candyflip on Apple Music. 1990. Duration: 5:56
…..The song that comes to mind is the Beatles’ “Strawberry Fields Forever.” That song turned on a little light bulb when I first heard it. I’m not sure if I understood it much, since I was very young, but there was some spark. Now, I’ve been a practicing Buddhist for forty...
In the song Penny Lane they sing of a small road from their Liverpool childhood that is uin my ears and in my heartThe song Strawberry Fields Forever refers to a famous strawberry field in the city. The boys could go and pick fruit there. The north-west of England is famous for ...
Like he had done with “Penny Lane” after hearing John’s “Strawberry Fields Forever,” Paul’s spin adds a bit more detail but still leaves the listener somewhat mystified as to the identity of “the fool.” And, in the process, composes what author John Robertson describes in “The ...
The first line of the chorus uses the lyrics of the Beatles' song Strawberry Fields Forever, with a long single tone guitar note played and slowly faded, which is an imitation of the repeated guitar notes near the end of the Beatles' single Strawberry Fields Forever. SURELY TRUE This sampl...
“Strawberry Fields Forever” and “Penny Lane” and Pink Floyd and The Move and The Smoke and whatever, they were all of their time, or maybe ahead of their time. I think Ray Davies was completely out of time when he wrote this album. Which is why I think it resonates so well 55...