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But, seriously, Stan, things have gotten past ridiculous, Stan, what I'm asking is for you to leave these group, You're scaring away new fans with your hundreds of posts of poop, New fans have to sift through tons of posts, Before they get to me, it's my board and I'm a ghost!
A good example of this is Eminem’s “Stan”, where the song spirals down into insanity and sadness, all with the hook playing repeatedly. The lyrics don’t change but the context of the hook does. These are great if your song is full of emotion and feeling along with a story to ...
not stan, wrong eminem song. good song, sick stuff. this is his insane, evil, slim shady relapsed side +1 Reply · 0 Share by DJ_critikaL 16y ago Fe fi fo fum I think I smell the scent of a placenta I enter Central Park, it's dark, it's winter in December I see my ...
"Stan" Eminem Saddest Song Top 200 Sad Song Number 165 "Amazing Grace" Judy Collins Saddest Song Top 200 Sad Song Number 166 "In My Life" The Beatles Saddest Song Top 200 Sad Song Number 167 "Oh Donna" Richie Valens Saddest Song Top 200 Sad Song Number 168 "Dear Mr Jesus" Powe...
Essay about the song Stan by Eminem Stan is a hip/hop song by the American rapper Eminem. The song is about a guy called Stan‚ who’s insanely obsessed with his big idol Slim‚ also known as‚ Slim Shady who’s Eminem’s alter ego. Through the song Stan writes several letters...
2000: 'Stan' - Artist: Eminem Rapper Eminem rode in on a wave of controversy and kept that momentum going with his second album, which features this smash hit. What starts as a series of fan letters develops into something far more demented as the song spirals into a bad case of life ...
“Stan”, “Not Afraid” and a few others were sung, tears flowed freely, because like every other person, those songs were a part of various struggles and difficulties you or someone you are close to have faced. That’s not to say the concert is a downer, no, not at all. Once ...
网易云音乐发现音乐 我的音乐 关注 商城 音乐人 云推歌 下载客户端 登录 创作者中心 音乐/视频/电台/用户 推荐 排行榜 歌单 主播电台 歌手 新碟上架上一首 播放/暂停 下一首 00:00 / 00:00 收藏 分享 0