The Song of the Sea is another animated fantasy-adventure. It focuses on a boy and his little sister, the latter of which is a Seal child, also known as a Selkie. They live in a lighthouse on a small island with their dad, their mother having died while giving birth to the daughter...
Visually splendid, but generically flat-footed, “Song of the Sea” is an animated fantasy that comes close to greatness, but is rarely as clever as it is comforting. Like “The Secret of Kells,” director Tomm Moore’s previous film, “Song of the Sea,” an Irish children’s story abo...
前几天看了海洋之歌song of the sea这部片。今年的奥斯卡动画长片提名都不怎么能打,但这部怎么说也比得奖的BH6强,后者是典型的千篇一律的3d流水线产品,脑残故事。漫威还是去拍电影吧,拍动画真是一点优势都没有。 本片改编自凯尔特神话中关于海豹女selkie的故事,实话说改... (展开) 487 51 55回应 @...
Tomm Moore’sSong of the Seademonstrates this scope with an animated film that is both beautiful and beguiling, a deeply moving story of family, landscape and tradition that merges myth with modernity. The film explores the myth of the selkie, a being that is part human, part seal, and fe...
Song of the Sea(1946) Short|3 min|Documentary, Short, Music Edit pageAdd to list Track Director Dave Gould Producer Ben Hersh See all filmmakers & crew (2) Trending Become a member to see MOVIEmeter and news information about Song of the Sea. ...
Description Additional information Reviews (0) Description Lisa Whelan wasn’t planning on falling in love. The ocean has always been a place of comfort for Lisa Whelan, so after her newborn son passes away, she returns to her family home to seek solace in the song of the sea. She’s...
Song of the Sea: Directed by Ian Munro. With Riley Nottingham, Brittany Byrnes, Nick Skubij, Ranee Clayton.
Singing the song of the sea.Reviews ethnic drums for schools from The London Music Shop.PepperBobTimes Educational Supplement
The Song of the Sea Shell: Directed by William Desmond Taylor. With Edward Coxen, Charlotte Burton, George Field, Edith Borella. Roy, a shepherd of the hills and a dreamer, is lured from his flock by the "song of the sea shell," as created by Lydia, the
The Queen of Angels(1999) Gemma Doorly Laura Red Rock(2015) Clodagh Downing Mary Patsy Dick(2012) Liam Hourican Tom Song of the Sea(2014) Ronny Korneli Jakob Länge ist nicht alles! Independent Days Vol. 03(2007) Patricia Logue