In this single-player adventure, venture into the idyllic but treacherous world of the Freljord as Nunu, a young boy on a quest to find his lost mother. Unearth the secrets, myths, and legends buried deep in the frozen tundra alongside your best friend,
Song of Nunu: A League of Legends Story er et singleplayer-historieeventyr udviklet af Tequila Works. Dyk med hovedet først ind i en fordybende fortælling, der foregår i Freljordens uopdagede områder, hvor hvert sneklædt skridt bringer dig tættere på sandheden om Nunu...
《努努之歌:英雄联盟外传》是一款由Tequila Works开发的单人冒险游戏。置身于弗雷尔卓德的未知之地,探索扣人心弦的故事,一步步揭开努努和威朗普的过去,了解背后的真相。 游戏介绍 建立深厚友谊 扮演小男孩努努,在好朋友威朗普的帮助下,踏上寻母之旅。无穷的想象力和对打雪仗的共同热爱将他们紧紧联系在一起。如今置身...
《努努之歌:英雄联盟外传》是一款由Tequila Works开发的单人冒险游戏。置身于弗雷尔卓德的未知之地,探索扣人心弦的故事,一步步揭开努努和威朗普的过去,了解背后的真相。 游戏介绍 建立深厚友谊 扮演小男孩努努,在好朋友威朗普的帮助下,踏上寻母之旅。无穷的想象力和对打雪仗的共同热爱将他们紧紧联系在一起。如今置身...
switch《努努之歌:英雄联盟外传 (Song of Nunu: A League of Legends Story)》中文版nsz下载【含1.0.2补丁+1DLC】!这是一款单人冒险游戏,玩家将扮演努努,一个寻找他失踪母亲的小男孩和雪人朋友挖掘深埋于冻原之下的奥秘、神话和传说,并一一解开激励人心的剧情难题。
Play as Nunu, a young boy searching for his mother with the help of his best friend, Willump. United by their endless imagination and shared love of snowball fights, the two will have to work together to navigate the Freljord, saving it – and each other – from the danger that lies wi...
(Song of Nunu: A League of Legends Story™) 类型:冒险游戏 制作:Tequila Works 平台:PC 发行:Riot Games 发售:2023-11-02 ( PC ) 语言:简中 | 繁中 | 英文 | 日文 | 多国 官网:点击进入 8.3 已有233人评分您还未评分! 在这款单人冒险游戏中,扮演努努,踏足看似一派田园牧歌景象,其实暗藏险恶暗流...
Two best friends, one wild adventure. Join best friends Nunu and Willump on an adventure across the frozen wilds of the Freljord. Read more:Plot summary Directors David Canela Lagunas|Leanne Loombe(directed by) Writers Michael Santorum González|John Zurhellen ...
Song of Nunu: A League of Legends Story Slide 1 of 9 This is a modal window. Failed to fetch This is a modal window. Failed to fetch This is a modal window. Failed to fetch This is a modal window. Failed to fetch Violence fictive, Langage ...
Song of Nunu: A League of Legends Story 努努之歌:英雄联盟外传的视频,攻略,评测,图片,评分,讨论, 帮助你判断是否好玩,发现更多相似好游戏及爱玩这些游戏的人