《Song of Horror》是一款第三人称、固定视角的生存类恐怖冒险游戏。畏惧一个无法抗拒的神秘实体 -“存在”:保持警惕、隐藏、慢慢呼吸…探索和调查这些鬼怪出没的地方,收集线索和物品,帮助你解决具有挑战性的谜题,同时忍受游戏气氛中的惊心动魄。
SONG OF HORROR Global player ratings 4.15Average rating 4.15 stars out of five stars from 424 ratings 424 ratings 63% 15% 6% 3% 12% Game and Legal Info A 3rd person, fixed-camera survival horror adventure. Fear the Presence, a mysterious entity you cannot fight: stay alert, hide, breathe...
生存惊悚冒险游戏 《Song of Horror》决定发售! 合同会社 EXNOA 宣布,该公司所营运的 DMM GAMES 预定于 2021 年 8 月 26 日(四)针对台湾、香港、韩国以及东南亚地区推出生存惊悚冒险游戏《Song of Horror》。 本作品是一款第三人称视角的生存惊悚冒险游戏,藉由操作 13 名角色来推进故事剧情。游戏中的高阶 AI ...
Song of Horror 恐怖之歌的视频,攻略,评测,图片,评分,讨论, 帮助你判断是否好玩,发现更多相似好游戏及爱玩这些游戏的人
Buy 100% official licensed SONG OF HORROR COMPLETE EDITION Steam game activation keys for PC. The famed writer Sebastian P. Husher has gone missing, along with his entire family. Worried, his editor sent an assistant to his house in order to look for him
Song of Horror官网请点击>>>传送门 17173游戏页面请点击>>>传送门 Song of Horror is a psychological horror adventure. Face the manifestations of the Presence, an unpredictable, eldritch AI that reacts to your way of playing: you won't experience two exact gameplays. Death is permanent: you ma...
《Song of Horror》是使用等三人稱視角,固定相機模式的生存恐怖冒險。 一個你無法對抗的神秘實體「那個存在」:保持警惕,隱藏自己,緩慢地呼吸... 探索被詛咒的地方,在這些地方,肉眼看不見和迷失的靈魂正在徘徊這個恐怖故事中。
ps4中文_1185_迷失之地:年度版.BADLAND Game of the Year Edition 05:04 ps4中文_1186_在远方:追云者编年史.Yonder The Cloud Catcher Chronicles 08:20 ps4中文_1187_亚尔斯兰战记×无双.ARSLAN THE WARRIORS OF LEGEND 09:06 ps4中文_1188_以撒的结合.The Binding of Isaac Rebirth 06:55 ps4中...
■商品资讯 游戏名称:Song of Horror 发售日期:2021年8月26日(四)预定 支援平台:PlayStation®4/Xbox One/PC(DMM GAME PLAYER版) 游戏类型:生存恐怖冒险 游玩人数:1人 对应语言:繁体中文/简体中文・日文・英文・韩文字幕/英语语音 游戏分级:尚未审查...
a forgotten abbey, an abandoned mental hospital... Each location in Song of Horror is inspired by the classics of the genre. Explore and investigate these haunted places to gather clues and items that will help you solve challenging puzzles while enduring the agonizing tension of the game's at...