名称: SONG OF HORROR COMPLETE EDITION 类型: 冒险 开发商: Protocol Games 发行商: 🚀 Raiser Games 发行日期: 2019 年 10 月 31 日 访问网站 X YouTube 查看更新记录 阅读相关新闻 查看讨论 查找社区组 嵌入 购买SONG OF HORROR COMPLETE EDITION ¥ 199.00 添加至购物车 购买Classic Survival Ho...
SONG OF HORROR COMPLETE EDITION 通过 用于 Windows 的 Steam 提供。需要申请免费的 Steam 账户。 描述 著名作家塞巴斯蒂安·P·胡舍和他的所有家人都失踪了。他的编辑很担心,于是派了一位助手去他家寻找,但是助手再也没有回来…这些失踪事件引发了一系列事件,很快就会揭示出某个可怕的东西:一个名为“存在”的...
Song of Horror offers a truly dynamic terror experience: its antagonist, the supernatural entity known only as The Presence, is controlled by an advanced AI (Artificial Intelligence) that adapts to your actions and decisions. Experience unbearable fear as this otherworldly being responds to your way...
【Steam特惠】《恐怖之歌 完整版》(SONG OF HORROR COMPLETE EDITION)【特惠价格】¥119.4 【游戏简介】第三人称生存恐怖冒险游戏。游戏包含多个可操控角色,被选中的角色会陪着玩家面对未知的恐怖。当选用角色...
SONG OF HORROR Complete EditionWait 1203 Collect 9198 Ignore Prices History Stats RegionsOops, something went wrong 2979 Rank 4 Players Achievements Release Date: 31 Oct 2019 Developers: Protocol Games Publishers: Plug In Digital, Raiser Games, Plug-in Digital, 🚀 Raiser Games Survival HorrorDark...
Buy Song of Horror - Complete Edition as a Steam key at Gamesplanet.com The famed writer Sebastian P. Husher has gone missing, along with his entire family. Worried, his editor sent an assistant to his house in order to look for him – but he never came back... These disappearances spa...
Dear Song of Horror fans,It's been a week since the launch of the last Episode, and we could not be more grateful! Experiencing the end of the story with all of you, after all these years of development, has been very emotional for us.However, this is not the end! We are working...
《Song of Horror》是一款第三人称、固定视角的生存类恐怖冒险游戏。畏惧一个无法抗拒的神秘实体 -“存在”:保持警惕、隐藏、慢慢呼吸…探索和调查这些鬼怪出没的地方,收集线索和物品,帮助你解决具有挑战性的谜题,同时忍受游戏气氛中的惊心动魄。 类型:冒险 ...
中文字幕随机高能恐怖..【中文字幕】光明退散,黑暗崛起!随机高能恐怖游戏《恐怖之歌 第五章+终章 SongOfHorror Episode5+Finale》无伤通关攻略流程观看地址:https://v.youku.com/v