19“For through the law I died to the lawso that I might live for God.20I have been crucified with Christand I no longer live, but Christ lives in me.The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God,who loved meand gave himself for ...
Here am I a sinner free, Matt Redman Here and now, Brenton Brown/Paul Baloche Here beneath the cross (When love was crucified), John Hartley, Kelly Minter & Gary Sadler Here from the world we turn, Fanny J. Crosby Here I am (And I will always love Your name), Paul Oakley Here I...
Among the last songs—likelythelast—cut forHunky Dory, “The Bewlay Brothers” was also the only song that Bowie hadn’t written before the sessions began. Decades later, he described its creation as being almost emetic: “I had a whole wad of words that I had been writing all day. I...
I'll die about my pride but I was comin' with this live They gon' have me crucified before they ever realize I don't need school, I know I'm bright, snuck my tool right inside What we do on my side, I be askin' God why ...
"Should Have Stayed in the Shadows" serves as the album's closest thing to a single, refining their skronky guitar riffs into something more coherent. Nonetheless, vocalists David Marion and Adam Fisher maintain a naturally off-putting delivery and even catchy moments are overwhelmed by their cha...
Jesus answered, “You say that I am a king. For this reason I have been born, and for this reason I have come into the world, that I should testify to the truth. Everyone who is of the truth listens to my voice.”“ John 18:36-37 WEBUS ...
No person should know it otherwise. Not so calm is it outside in the snow, Not so quiet and hushed Are the stars in the heights As are my thoughts. I’d wish I were a birdie and travel over the sea, far over the sea and beyond, ...
I’ve been so upset Harboring this hate for days Hey, my sense of rejection Hey, hey Is no excuse for my behavior, hey You pulled the gun, hey, hey That shot and crucified my savior Now he is no more and I am without you
that’s me playing theWurlitzer EP-200a. Midway through, there was a pop and smoke came out of the back, so I had to loop what I was playing. I still have not taken it in to get looked at and haven’t been able to play it since. But I should soon because people who know how...
What do you think of “Mata Hari”? What sort of staging should Efendi bring to Rotterdam? Tell us your thoughts below!