How Do You Keep The Music Playing》- Patti Austin & James Ingram I 《Best Fri 04:16 1981 《One More Hour 》出自《Ragtime》(爵士年代) 04:21 1981 《Endless Love》- Barry Manilow - Mandy - 出自《Endless Love》(无尽的爱) 03:19 1981《The First Time It Happens 》 - 出自《The Great ...
“How Great Is Our God” sung by Chris Tomlin or “What a Wonderful World” sung by Louis Armstrong Pure melodic magic. Notes and words strung together in excellence can raise us to our feet or push us to our knees. Because music touches something at the core of our being, it shoul...
How Great Is Our God (Chris Tomlin, Jesse Reeves, Ed Cash) audio King of My Heart (John Mark McMillan, Sarah McMillan)audio In Christ Alone (Stuart Townend, Keith Getty) audio Amazing Grace (My Chains Are Gone) (Chris Tomlin, Louie Giglio, John Newton) audio No Longer Slaves (...
1 Greetings 问候 (wen4 hou4). 2 Review of Personal Pronouns 你 (Ni3) – you 我 (Wo3) – I/me 他 / 她 / 它 (Ta1) – he/she/it, him/her Plural: add “们” (“men”) CCLI #: How Great Thou Art 至尊至大 O Lord my God When I in awesome wonder Consider all the worlds ...
How great is my God, the Rock who saves me!48 He is the God who punishes my enemies for me, the one who puts people under my rule.49 He saves me from my enemies! You help me defeat those who attack me. You save me from cruel people.50 Lord, that is why I praise you among ...
One of the most vivid and visceral descriptions of how it feels like to stumble around Los Angeles at night under the influence of one thing or another. A three minute long "Fear and Loathing". Out here we is stoned, immaculate.
And great are you How I love Your Word My God, My King How I love Your Word My God, My King Your love cuts through these pages to my heart As you grieve our sins, right from the start And sacrifice and paradise are in The plans that you made, The plans that you made Chorus (...
It is common to refrain from confronting this aspect of our personality out of fear of what we might discover about ourselves. It can stem from insecurities about how we feel we are viewed by society or how we might or might not fit into what is acceptable or “normal.” The guilt ...
” So, this line that I was going to junk got to stay in. It’s a great example of how we collaborated. He was so firm about keeping it in that when I sing Hey Jude now, I often think of John, and it’s become this emotional point in the song for me. It was a delicate ...
God and Israelite individuals by stunningly beautiful allegorical literature. This union pattern that occurs in the Song of Songs in the Jewish Bible is then considered in term of marriage (nuptial) and has a huge influence on Judeo Christian mythic traditions. The wedding in the Song of Songs ...