歌曲名《Song For My Father》,由 Sarah McLachlan 演唱,收录于《Shine On》专辑中,《Song For My Father》下载,《Song For My Father》在线试听,更多Song For My Father相关歌曲推荐,尽在网易云音乐
《Song For My Father》老傅谈音乐 立即播放 打开App,流畅又高清100+个相关视频 更多3.2万 14 0:57 App 小时候一听到这个就要泡脚睡觉了 1.4万 3 1:00 App 《Just two of us》睡前弹点东西 8574 6 4:27 App 经典爵士 [ I've Got You Under My Skin ] || Chris Botti & Katharine McPhee 59.7...
次年,他的专辑“Song For My Father”在Blue Note Records旗下发布,其主打曲目(专辑同名曲)竟然进入Billboard前一百名,可以说是爵士乐界的一个大Hit。赶紧先听听这首曲子! 嗯,拉美风味浓浓。 Horace Silver于1928年出生于美国,他的母亲是非洲与爱尔兰的混血,父亲是从佛得角群岛移民到美国的葡萄牙人。这使得Horace本...
song for my father - Delaney Bailey Lyrics by:Delaney Bailey Composed by:Delaney Bailey Maybe it's always been us all along You are the trees that I grow on I am the leaves that die in the fall You'll grow me again but you're Tired You're tired Maybe it's always ...
For through my mind and soul My heart will always hold A special place for him It's true Second Chorus We bow our heads and we pray Every day's Father's Day Let's review All that he means to you Our mother's love is real nice But old Dad sacrificed For us too Let us give him...
Song for My Father 又名: 父之歌 表演者: Horace Silver 流派: 爵士专辑类型: 专辑介质: CD 发行时间: 1999-04-20 出版者: Blue Note Records 唱片数: 1 条形码: 0724349900226 豆瓣评分 9.4 1002人评价 5星 71.9% 4星 25.7% 3星 2.4% 2星 0.0% 1星 0.0% ...
Hélios Fernandez - Song for My Father
Song for My FatherHorace Silver 爵士乐 · 1964年 试听 向血缘与家庭探寻音乐启蒙根基,致敬父亲的拉丁爵士跨界经典。钢琴家 Horace Silver 一生投注于爵士乐的发展与演出,并在爵士乐演变史上占有举足轻重的地位,而他最经典的专辑之一当数 1965 年的《Song for My Father》,专辑灵感除了来自父亲的音乐启蒙,...