Country Roads TTBB John Denver Version 1971 Ab Acapella 1 - Crazy - SATB Patsy Cline Version 1961 Bb - B Country 2 - Crazy Little Thing Called Love - SATB Queen Version 1979 E Rock 1 - Creep - SATB Radiohead Version 1993 G Rock 3 - Da Doo Ron Ron - Part 1, 2 & 3 The Crystals...
Take me Home, Country Roads John Denver BeatBuddy: Brushes 1- Str 8 BeatBuddy Mini: Brushes 1 BeatBuddy Mini 2: Brushes 1- Str 8 82 Default Library Rock Tequila Sunrise The Eagles BeatBuddy: Blues 1 BeatBuddy Mini: Blues 1 BeatBuddy Mini 2: Blues 1 110 Default Library Rock The Weight Th...
[ to index: Principal Performers | Singers, Composers and Artists ] Winter wet, summer sweat He was a hand upon the land, the same as was his father. Oh winter wet, oh summer sweat, as he would graft and gather! But he’d have stuck with country luck, if asked what he would rat...
ROADS – HULLAH GUYS LIKE YOU – Olivia Miceli YOUTH – The 23’s STATELINE – Nathan Ball CHASING YOUR DREAMS – Asgard Raven ELEVEN – Minus Cube & P’like DREAM TONIGHT – The Ocean Beneath & Liz Mann SELF CONTROL – John Laurant, Ron van den Beuken & Shimmer Johnson ...
Song of the Day: Black Country, New Road - Besties Song of the Day: An eccentric, eclectic, catchy new single about friendship by the Cambridge-formedm London-based British experimental band mixing folk and indie with dabbles of harpsichord, saxophone and more, heralding their upcoming third ...
While living through the musical moments of our era, it can be hard to quantify them in real time. You really have to zoom out, look at the bigger picture, and realize just how far we have come in country music over the last decade or so to be thankful for where we are now. ...
Country Roads - Party Singers Are you ready you party Here we go Almost heaven west virginia Blue ridge mountains shenandoah river Life is old there older than the trees Younger than the mountains blowing like a breeze Country roads take me home To the place i belong West ...
17 votes You’re Right Ray Charles 31 15 votes Call Me 32 15 votes Somebody Stole My Dog 33 16 votes I Need Your Love So Bad 34 16 votes You Better Move On 35 13 votes I Testify Filed under: Soul Music Country Music Songs Music...
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