Waves like mountains and rain like needles rise with the wind hǎi de jìn tóu zhù zhe nǐ 海 的尽 头 住 着 你 Thou dwellest at the end of the sea tiān wèn yòng shuāng shǒu huàn shuāng yì kě fǒu yuàn yì 天 问 用 双 手 换 双 翼可否 愿 意 ...
Sea Shanties Sea shanties are another style of song. Sea shanties differ from emotional and heartfelt songs in that they were used in the workplace. They were historically used on sailing ships and consisted of different types of work songs. This helped workers pass time as they completed ofte...
You exist in my deep sea of brain, in my dreams, in my heart, and in my songs 你(you)存在(exist),我(I)深深(deep)的(connecting particle)脑海(brain of sea= brain)里(within),我的(my)梦(dream)里(within),我的(my)心(heart)里(within),我的(my)歌声(sound of song)里(within) 世界...
*Camo: camouflage *Harness: In Shakespeare's time, harness meant the strap or belt that held a soldier's sword and scabbard. In modern terms, combat web gear. In the Kevin Costner film "The Postman", the character misquotes the line "we'll die with the harness "off" our back", usin...
I leave you with these few quotes from more learned men than me…… i. “Partial obedience is complete disobedience. Saul and his men obeyed as far as suited them; that is to say, they did not obey God at all, but their own inclinations, both in sparing the good and destroying the ...
One of my personal favorites, Cala Comte, boasts crystal-clear waters and breathtaking views—it’s the perfect backdrop for a delightful day by the sea. Conversely, if tranquility is what you seek, the secluded charm of Benirrás is a must-visit. Picture this: the soothing sound of waves...
Beautiful night who stays with me, Whispers gently by my ears 走不完红男绿女 看不尽人海沉浮 zou bu wan hong nan lv nv kan bu jin ren hai chen fu Endlessly walking, red men and green women, see endless ups and downs in the sea o...
Pretty much every single state has a song written about it. That includes Wisconsin! I'll bet you'll never guess what it is and who it's by.
Should she ever recover the skin, she will immediately return to sea, leaving her husband behind. The male Selkies are responsible for storms and also for the sinking of ships, which is their way of avenging the hunting of seals. Following the Scottish theme are some famous Scottish quotes ...
articles, forum, links, member pictures, and a calendar of events. Located in Tacoma, Washington. OrangeCountyNew YorkMustangClub. Serving Orange & Dutchass Counties in New York. Ponies By The SeaMustang& Ford Car Show presented byTri-County MustangClub Registration form available on this...