Joshua fit the battle of Jericho around Jericho around Jericho Well Joshua fit the battle of Jericho And the walls came tumbling down You may talk about you men of Gideon You may talk about you men of Soul There's none like a good old Joshua ...
Joshua fit the battle of Jericho Jericho Jericho Joshua fit the battle of Jericho And the walls come tumbling down Then the lamb ram sheep horns began to blow The trumpets began to sound Old Joshua was a double edged sword And the walls came tumblin' down So you may talk abou...
Hot Sugar - ...and the Walls Came Tumbling Down
And she danced until her knees got weak And all resistance fell And all the walls, they came tumbling down She stood eyes open, back on the ground Wiser, full of glory She was a bright point of light Traveling through the skies of her mind Oh and how she knew the stars And the map...
Those four gray walls were meant to last As the shadows come down She sees him leaving She can recall Seems that this fire has lost it's form The form of the hourglass The four gray walls came tumbling down And just because her skin was brown ...
Rev. Ralph David Abernathy, And the Walls Came Tumbling Down Sunday, November 19, 1989 Robin Wright, In the Name of God: The Khomeini Decade. Sunday, March 25, 1990 Former U.S. Senator James Abourezk, Advise and Dissent: Memoirs of South Dakota and the U.S. Senate. Sunday, May 6, ...
And the walls crumbled And there I stood exposed Clutching my chest in fear How'd I end up here Bad decisions One right after the other Moved like waves pulled by the moon Like a puppet who's tugged on by string Like water tumbling down stream ...
If you're happy and you know it I'm inright, outright, upright, downright... I've got the joy, joy... Jehovah Noticed Jericho's Walls Came Falling Down Jesus loves me** Jesus loves the little children** Jesus Walks on the Water Joshua Got a Plan from God March, March Around Je...
Scorch’d ankle-deep by the hot sand, hauling my boat down the shallow river, Where the panther walks to and fro(来回走动) on a limb overhead, where the buck(n. 鹿) turns furiously at the hunter, Where the rattlesnake suns his flabby length on a rock, where the otter is feeding on...