show. In order to prevent incorrect mapping of episodes Sonarr will not automatically grab episodes and you will need to grab and import the episodes manually. You can match them based on episode title, or by previewing the first few seconds and seeing the episode 'color' matching the title....
your logs will look similar to below. These would need to be grabbed and likely imported manually. The key phrase to see in the logs is|Debug|DownloadDecisionMaker|Release rejected for the following reasons: [Permanent] Unable to identify correct episode(s) using release name and scene ...
I have to manually import almost everything I download because of theImport failederror message you can see in the screenshot below. I have checked that the file/folder Sonarr is looking for, it doesn't exist. It imports correctly for some torrents, so I don't think It's because of in...
Remove any Arr app customizations manually. Support Information Features Downloading TV Trailers and Extras using online sources for use in popular applications (Plex): Connects to Sonarr to automatically download trailers for TV Series in your existing library Downloads videos using yt-dlp automaticall...
I located this special episode via the Manual Search, but Sonarr wouldn't download it because it couldn't parse the titles (why not actually?), so I downloaded it manually from the indexer website using internet browser. So that job has been in my SABnzbd history since then and it seems...
This is also a good way of testing your configuration, manually. To send a manual scan, you can either: Visit your webhook url in a browser (e.g. http://ipaddress:3468/0c1fa3c9867e48b1bb3aa055cb86), and fill in the path to scan. or Initiate a scan via HTTP (e.g. curl): ...
by doing this sonarr now does see the files if i select to manually import them but gives the access denied error anyone can point me in the right direction? BenjV commented Apr 22, 2018 Can you post the output of these commands here? cat /etc/passwd cat /etc/group koenvanzuijlen ...