Code coverage 0% with sonarqube 8.9 upgrade - scala project In console output, we are getting jacoco coverage report. but on sonar it shows 0% and project using build.sbt file. and in jekins -Dsonar.coverage.jacoco.xmlReportPaths=".../jacoco.xml" instead of - Dsonar.jacoco.reportPath=...
1.3 Reliability remediation effort on new code 在新增代码上修复所有缺陷问题成本/耗时 1.4 备注 图中气泡大小根据bug数变化,bug数越大气泡越大。视觉更加直观。 2、Security安全性 2.1 Security Rating 安全度指标计算方法 A = 0 Vulnerability 没有漏洞时,项目评估为最高级别A B = at least 1 Minor Vulnerabi...
Reliability remediation effort on new code 在新增代码上修复所有缺陷问题成本/耗时备注图中气泡大小根据 bug 数变化,bug 数越大气泡越大。视觉更加直观。Security 安全性Security Rating安全度指标计算方法A = 0 Vulnerability 没有漏洞时,项目评估为最高级别A B = at least 1 Minor Vulnerability 只要包含一个次要...
coverage on new code:新增或更新代码的覆盖度 Line coverage on new code:新增或更新代码的行覆盖度 Lines to cover on new code:新增或更新代码覆盖的行数 Uncovered conditions on new code:新增或更新代码未覆盖的条件数 Uncovered lines on new code:新增或更新代码未覆盖的行数 ...
Please note thatCoverage on new codecurrently identifies new code based on the date of the previous analysis (and not the commit date of the code previously analyzed), seeSONAR-7085 小结 项目中配置了自己的Quality Profile,引入统一的rule for code check. ...
%OpenCover% -output:".\opencover.xml" -register:user -target:%VSTestConsole% -targetargs:"/TestAdapterPath:%NUnit3TestAdapter% CodeCoverage.UnitTest\bin\Release\CodeCoverage.UnitTest.dll" step4 End the SonarQube Analysis and upload it to the SonarQube server ...
The code shows how to use the OpenSSL primitives as `unique_ptr`. When those go out of scope, no manual `delete` or `free` is needed. `free` is needed. This is important because in between the `new` and the `free`, you might get an exception which leaves a memory leak. The ...
但是,SonarQube不会显示Coverage on New Code指标(可能是因为我正在分析不同的分支)。当我在构建同一项目的不同分支时,如何让SonarQube显示Coverage on New Code? 浏览3提问于2017-02-21得票数 0 1回答 如何使用Sonar API更新自定义指标 、 我已经在我的sonarqube中添加了一个自定义指标。我想从C#中的独立分析...
由于是新建的控制台程序,只有一行代码,所以很多指标都是 0。 如果对代码覆盖率这一块还有要求,可以参考 集成进去。 到这里的话,一个简单的项目就算 OK 了,后续代码更新的话,重复执行这个就会更新到网页上面。