oclint-json-compilation-database -e Pods -e Applications -- -extra-arg=-Wno-everything -report-type pmd -o oclint.xml \-rc=LONG_LINE=200 \-rc=LONG_VARIABLE_NAME=40 \-disable-rule ShortVariableName \-disable-rule UseContainerLiteral \-disable-rule ParameterReassignment \-disable-rule UseObj...
In SonarLint for Visual Studio 7.3 and newer, changing the Sonar severity of an issue is no longer possible. Enable or disable rule for local analysis In standalone mode, it is possible to enable or disable rules, configure rule parameters, and in versions 4.13-7.2, change the reported rule...
SonarLint Report SonarLint Rule Description 功能介绍 代码扫描 安装完成后,选择需要执行扫描的project,右键弹出菜-->SonarLint-->Analyze 进行扫描。 Analyze changed files :连接SonarQube服务器后使用,只扫描新修改的文件。 项目报告视图(SonarLint Report) 执行扫描之后,会打开SonarLint Report(可以显示当前工程,或所有...
The one small thing it adds is the ability to click the "Open in IDE" button in SonarCloud which opens up the right file and line for the reported issue - but in SonarLint, it shows the wrong rule on the right pane & doesn't show the issue which you click on in SonarCloud.. So...
The one small thing it adds is the ability to click the "Open in IDE" button in SonarCloud which opens up the right file and line for the reported issue - but in SonarLint, it shows the wrong rule on the right pane & doesn't show the issue which you click on in SonarCloud.. So...
docker run --name sonarqube -e SONAR_ES_BOOTSTRAP_CHECKS_DISABLE=true -p 9000:9000 sonarqube:9.6-community Clone a java spring-boot project containing unused imports git clone https://github.com/cod-r/spring-boot.git The project contains 2 unused imports insrc/main/java/...
(由于网络原因导致的),可以使用--disableCentral禁用,但是官方文档中不推荐禁用,所以只能在执行是使用代理或调整网络来解决# 生成html报告/home/sonarqube/dependency-check/bin/dependency-check.sh -s /home/sonarqube/projects/java-sec-code/target/java-sec-code-1.0.0.jar -f HTML -o /home/sonarqube/...
must be established by default if explicit option isn'tset. For compliance with existing applications notusingSSL the verifyServerCertificate propertyissetto'false'. You need either to explicitly disable SSL by setting useSSL=false, orsetuseSSL=trueand provide truststoreforserver certificate verification...
If Sonar add info Rule in next versions - we will ignore it, so we will not notice it. I think it is ok, as we will get most critical/blocker issues by Sonar. done. There were only 2 Rules with info , I made them minor: ...
Exclude the rule java:S2637 did not work. As a workaround we excluded the files until fixed as you suggested. Based on the error I assume it’s an lexical-analysis issue thereby disable the rule won’t help in this case. Any update on this issue?