SonarQube Community / Developer / Enterprise Editions SonarQube system provides code quality testing, static code analysis, clean Code and checking the level of security of the code developed in the company - and in a continuous and regular manner....
相关连接 4.安装Jenkins的插件 SonarQube Plugins和MSbuild for Jenkins 系统管理->管理插件 搜索并且安装下图两个插件 SonarQube Plugins 里边会包含for MSbuild的功能 这块遇到的问题是我们的...
Developer Support The Visual Studio ALM Rangers are a great asset to the VS ALM community, providing important guidance and sharing knowledge from real world experience. Premier Developer’s own Kevin Mack and Steve St. Jean team up with the Rangers to spotlight SonarQube integration and deployment...
要安装community、developer或enterprise edition,请使用sonarqube helm图表。数据中心版随sonarqube dce helm图表提供。 已更新 docker 映像 如果你使用自签名的-,中国sonarqube 中文,你可能需要调整你的docker配置:java的安装路径已经改变为 废弃的和变量已被删除 蕞新的配置变量请参见环境变量。 docker镜像上的标签...
3 重新登录SonarQube后,在代码规则处会发现C (Community)。 4 进入“质量配置”,在左上角选择“创建”,输入名称,语言选择C(Community)。 输入完毕会发现产生刚刚建立的质量配置。 5 点击配置,选择“设为默认”,然后点击“激活更多规则”。 6 点击右上方的“批量修改->激活C语言规则”,选择“应用”。
An essential linting tool for every developer. SonarQube for IDE integrates with most JetBrains IDEs including IntelliJ IDEA, CLion, GoLand, WebStorm, PHPStorm, PyCharm, Rider, Aqua, AppCode, Android Studio & RubyMine. Supported languages include C, C++, Java, Go, JavaScript, TypeScript, ...
An essential linting tool for every developer. SonarQube for IDE integrates with most JetBrains IDEs including IntelliJ IDEA, CLion, GoLand, WebStorm, PHPStorm, PyCharm, Rider, Aqua, AppCode, Android Studio & RubyMine. Supported languages include C, C++, Java, Go, JavaScript, TypeScript, ...
We recommend that you could submit a new feedback at Thank you and we value your contribution to Developer Community. Yes, I agree 0 No It's this product 0 Show reactions 0Mar 01, 2021 8:31 PM ...
SonarQube Community版本不支持多分支扫描, SonarQube Developer Edition及以上版本是支持多分支扫描的,扫描时指定分支参数-Dsonar.branch=develop即可,就可以实现多分支代码扫描。 代码语言:javascript 复制 $ mvn clean verify sonar:sonar-Dmaven.test.skip=true-Dsonar.branch=master ...