在VSCode中配置SonarLint插件可以帮助你在编写代码时实时检测代码质量。以下是详细的配置步骤,包括安装插件、配置插件以及验证配置是否成功的指导: 1. 安装SonarLint插件 打开VSCode,点击左侧工具栏的“扩展”图标,或者使用快捷键Ctrl+Shift+X打开扩展视图。 在搜索框中输入“SonarLint”,然后找到并点击“SonarLint”插件进行...
install the plugin in VSCodePlatformIO > Advanced > Compilation DatabaseShift + Ctrl + P (or your platform equivalent): > SonarLint: Configure the compilation database for C and C++ analysis - it should list the file generate from the step aboveDone!Was the first I have tried. Sadly, I d...
1、安装SonarQube 2、在安装了 SonarQube 之后,使⽤ Ctrl + P 打开 VSCode 命令搜索功能,输⼊ Sonar,搜索结果如下:3、sonar lint 全局配置⽂件 (1)选择 Create global config with credentials to servers,出现下图提⽰。(2)选择Open global.json,sonar lint 全局配置⽂件被打开,(3)接下来...
https://www.jianshu.com/p/6273e7ab0c56 之后到: vscode marketplace 下载sonarlint。 在左上角code->perferences->settings 搜索sonarlint 找到:Sonarlint>Ls:Java Home 填入自己的jdk目录 /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk11/contents/Home Restart....
From v3.10, SonarLint for VSCode tries to automatically detect a remote SonarQube/SonarCloud project to bind with the locally opened workspace folder. If the locally opened folder contains asonar-project.propertiesor a.sonarcloud.propertiesfile, SonarLint will try to configure the binding with the ...
其中token是在SonarQube项目中的“账户=》安全”中获得的 在前端项目的根目录中创建.vscode=>setting.json,输入类似下面的代码 {"sonarlint.connectedMode.project":{"connectionId":"abcde","projectKey":"abcde"}} 配置完成
Perhaps I should add a Compiler path in .vscode/c_cpp_properties.json as shown below: compiler_path.png What would be the compiler path for esp-idf projects? You do not have the required permissions to view the files attached to this post. ...
SLVSCODE-953 untar eslint-bridge bundle and send its path to slls 2个月前 .vscodeignore Remove Gulp.js; Add build scripts 1年前 CHANGELOG.md DOC-1650 URL slug rebranding update 4天前 LICENSE.txt Add license and notice 8年前 NOTICE.txt ...
"name": "sonarlint-vscode", "displayName": "SonarQube for IDE", "description": "Linter to detect & fix coding issues locally in JS/TS, Python, PHP, Java, C, C++, C#, Go, IaC. Use with SonarQube (Server, Cloud) for optimal team performance.", "version": "4.15.0-SNAPSHOT"...
vscode, 如果需要debug调试, 需要codelldb插件才可以 然而因为网络原因经常下载不下来 下载后先unzip解压, 再在vscode离线用VISX方式离线安装即可 上传者:jiaoyangwm时间:2022-08-24 ms-vscode-remote.remote-containers-0.152.0.vsix 可用的remote-containers插件 ...