SonarLint for Visual Studio is based on and benefits from the .NET Compiler Platform (aka "Roslyn") and its code analysis API to provide a fully-integrated user experience in Visual Studio 2015 and Visual Studio 2017. SonarLint is free, open source, and available in the Visual Studio Gallery...
SonarLint extension for VisualStudio. Contribute to SonarSource/sonarlint-visualstudio development by creating an account on GitHub.
SonarLint/Visual Studio:解决方案中所有项目的单一规则集 、、、 当我使用SonarLint从VS2015连接到SonarQube服务器时,SonarLint开始下载nuget包,然后为每个项目添加一个.ruleset文件。是否可以只为解决方案定义一个规则集(此处的SonarQube/CSharp.ruleset),并且仅在需要为项目创建特定的规则集文件时定义?我在上看到了这...
Visual Studio Enterprise 2017 SonarLint 4.8.0 .NET Framework 4.6.1 安裝SonarLint VisualStudio中 【工具】 - > 【扩展和更新】 选择【联机】 - > 输入【SonarLint】- > 选择【SonarLint for Visual studio】下载 重启IDE 连接SonarQube Server 先打开我们本地的项目 打开【分析】 - > 【管理 SonarQube 连接...
SonarLint for Visual Studio 2015 VS2015的sonarlint 插件。 因为这是一个离线的文件,需要安装到visual studio中,怎么操作呢? 也是有办法的,不能直接像普通的exe文件一样双击就可以安装,他需要利用visual studio环境下的vsixinstaller.exe可执行程序来安装。我们需要利用visual studio工具自带的命令行:x64 Native Tools...
SonarLint for Visual Studio writes information in its own tab in the output window < p>Project binding now gives feedback on why projects are not bound (when they are excluded or test projects), and the information from this VS extension now goes to its own tab in the Output window (Son...
此包最好与SonarLint for Visual ()和/或SonarQube平台()一起使用。我知道SonarLint是VisualStudio的插件,因此它的规则集将自动应用于在VisualStudio中打开的每个项目。但是,如果我将SonarAnalyzer.CSharp Nuget包安装到一个项目上,< 浏览1提问于2018-05-05得票数 6 回答已采纳...
SonarLint is a free, open source, and available in the Visual Studio Gallery, which supports C#, VB.NET which will help you fix code quality issues before they even exist. SonarLint can be used as a plugin for Visual Studio support only in Visual Studio 2015 and Visual Studio 2017. ...
集成更便捷:SonarLint 2.3优化了与Visual Studio的集成过程,使得安装和配置变得更加简单。 二、SonarLint for Visual Studio 2.3的优势 提高代码质量:通过实时语法检查和精确的错误检测,SonarLint可以帮助开发者编写出更高质量的代码。 提升开发效率:开发者在编写代码的过程中,可以即时获得反馈,从而更快地发现问题并修正,...
Note: if you are using Microsoft compiler, the environment should be ready to build the code. For example, by launching VS Code from your Visual Studio Command Prompt To enable the support for Java analysis, you need theLanguage support for JavaVSCode extension (version 0.56.0 or higher). ...