mvnclean verify sonar:sonar# In some situation you may want to run sonar:sonar goal as a dedicated step. Be sure to use install as first step for multi-module projectsmvnclean installmvnsonar:sonar# Specify the version of sonar-maven-plugin instead of using the latest. See also 'How to ...
versions used: SonarQube Community Edition Version 8.9.2 (build 46101) and Maven plugin “sonar-maven-plugin:” error observed $ mvn sonar:sonar -Dsonar.projectKey=myProjectKey -Dsonar.login=myLogin [...] [ERROR] Failed to execute goal...
[WARNING] The artifact org.codehaus.mojo:sonar-maven-plugin:jar: has been relocated to org.sonarsource.scanner.maven:sonar-maven-plugin:jar: SonarQube plugin was moved to SonarSource organisation So I suggest this small change to use the right artifact and get rid of the...
wrapper --gradle-version 5.2.1 upgrade wrapperBuilding with UI changesThe SonarQube UI (or webapp as we call it), is located in another repository: sonarqube-webapp.When building the sonarqube repository, the webapp is automatically downloaded from Maven Central as a dependency, it makes it ea...
To specify the version of sonar-maven-plugin instead of using the latest: mvn org.sonarsource.scanner.maven:sonar-maven-plugin: 1. To get coverage information, you'll need to generate the coverage report before the analysis. ...
这个是需要在我们的maven安装目录的settings文件下面去操作的,通常情况下,我们使用这种方式更好一点。 <settings><pluginGroups><pluginGroup>org.sonarsource.scanner.maven</pluginGroup></pluginGroups><profiles><profile><id>sonar</id><activation><activeByDefault>true</activeByDefault></activation><properties>...
mvn org.sonarsource.scanner.maven:sonar-maven-plugin: 要获得扫描覆盖率信息,您需要在分析之前生成覆盖率报告。 配置分析 大多数分析属性将从项目中读取。如果您想覆盖指定附加参数的默认值,请配置pom.xml文件的 部分,如下: <properties> ...
To specify the version of sonar-maven-plugin instead of using the latest: mvn org.sonarsource.scanner.maven:sonar-maven-plugin:<version>:sonar If sonar-maven-plugin is not defined by the project’spom.xmlfile, we recommend specifying the version instead of using the latest to avoid breaking ...
call the sonar:sonar goal of Sonarqube Maven plugin use sonar.projectVersion property if set for the pipeline use the Jenkins BRANCH_NAME to set the property, a Jenkins multibranch pipeline sets a bunch of environment variables and BRANCH_NAME is one of them ...
<version></version> </plugin> </plugins> </pluginManagement> </build> 故障排除 如果你遇到java.lang.OutOfMemoryError,设置MAVEN_OPTS环境变量,就像在*nix环境中这样: export MAVEN_OPTS="-Xmx512m" 在Windows环境中,避免使用双引号,因为它们会被误解。