必须使用“orElseThrow”的返回值(The return value of “orElseThrow” must be used) - 领悟书生 The return value of "orElseThrow" must be used - stackoverflow Sonar:Cognitive Complexity认知复杂度 - CSDN transient关键字及Serializable的序列化与反序列化 - CSDN Sonar "Make transient or serializable"...
Fields in a "Serializable" class should either be transient or serializable:“可序列化”类中的字段应该是可转换的或可序列化的 Fields in non-serializable classes should not be "transient":不可序列化的类中的字段不应该被"transient"关键字修饰 Files opened in append mode should not be used with Ob...
启用Fields in a "Serializable" class should either be transient or serializable “可序列化”类中的字段应该是可转换的或可序列化的 启用Fields in non-serializable classes should not be "transient" 不可序列化的类中的字段不应该被"transient"关键字修饰 启用Files opened in append mode should not be u...
Fields in a "Serializable" class should either be transient or serializable 可序列化类中的字段应该是可转换的或可序列化的 Fields in non-serializable classes should not be "transient" 不可序列化的类中的字段不应该被"transient"关键字修饰 Files opened in append mode should not be used with ObjectO...
Make "getPreAHistFlt" transient or serializable. Public getPreAHistFltMsg(String message, com.sanju.p2.GetPreAHistFlt getPreAHistFlt, Throwable cause) {.
private static boolean isTransientSerializableOrInjected(VariableTree member) { if (ModifiersUtils.hasModifier(member.modifiers(), Modifier.TRANSIENT) || (isSerializable(member.type()) && !isSubtypeOfCollectionApi(member.type().symbolType())) { return true; } SymbolMetadata metadata = member.symbol...
privatestaticbooleanisTransientSerializableOrInjected(VariableTreemember){ if(ModifiersUtils.hasModifier(member.modifiers(),Modifier.TRANSIENT)||(isSerializable(member.type())&&!isSubtypeOfCollectionApi(member.type().symbolType())){ returntrue; }
<rule key='SE_TRANSIENT_FIELD_OF_NONSERIALIZABLE_CLASS' priority='INFO'> <name>Style - Transient field of class that isn't Serializable. </name> <name>Style - Transient field of class that isn't Serializable.</name> <configKey>SE_TRANSIENT_FIELD_OF_NONSERIALIZABLE_CLASS</configKey> <desc...
描述Fields in a “Serializable” class should either be transient or serializable 问题说明:字符串判断是否为空的时候,通常是 if (signPdfRequest.getSysFlag() == null 4|| “”.equals(signPdfRequest.getSysFlag())) { errors.append(“系统标识不能为空;”); ...