# Exclude test subdirectories from source scope sonar.exclusions = src/**/test/**/* 代码覆盖率的排除 「配置不应该检测代码覆盖率的文件」。参数的值是相对于当前工作目录的路径匹配模式的逗号分隔列表 Administration > General Settings > Analysis Scope > Code Coverage > Coverage Exclusions。 按文件类型...
I am evaluating sonar cloud with msbuild project. However, there is an error related to Java files. The 3rdparty code includes Java files but it is not used in my project at all. I added exclusion options but the scanner fails. Here are my property file and log below. sonar-project.pr...
参考 https://docs.sonarsource.com/sonarcloud/advanced-setup/analysis-scope/#restrict-the-scope-of-coverage-detection https://stackoverflow.com/questions/70016831/exclude-files-packages-from-sonarqube-coverage浏览量: 1,048 · 发布于: 2024-04-14 —...
It's possible to set filters in SonarQube to tell SonarQube to ignore entire files from analysis or coverage, but they work at the file level. The SonarC# plugin doesn't attempt to do any clever post-processing of the data in the coverage report based on the attributes in the code. In...
Are there any additional parameters I need to include to exclude test files from being scanned? I’ve tried using the command line rather than property file, and simplifying the exclude to a single directory. I’ve also confirmed the path is correct, and it’s the same format as my projec...
Exclude files from analysis Prevent some files from being checked for duplications Prevent some files from being taken into account for code coverage by unit tests and integration tests Ignore issues on certain components and against certain coding rules ...
Automatically exclude coverage files Skip projects that are transiently created and destroyed during the build. Assets4 21 Aug 10:38 SonarTech 0fb729f Compare 8.0.1 Bug fix release which addresses these issues: Fix#2148: Root directory detection: OS root (/ on Unix or C: on Win...
sonar.swift.coverage.reportPattern=sonar-reports/coverage-swift*.xml # OCLint report generated sonar.objectivec.oclint.report=sonar-reports/*oclint.txt # Swiftlint report generated sonar.swift.swiftlint.report=sonar-reports/*swiftlint.txt # Paths to exclude from coverage report (surefire, 3rd party li...
xml# Change it only if you generate the file on your ownsonar.objectivec.oclint.reportPath=oclint.xml# Paths to exclude from coverage report (tests, 3rd party libraries etc.)# sonar.objectivec.excludedPathsFromCoverage=pattern1,pattern2# sonar.objectivec.ex...
# Exclude test subdirectories from source scope sonar.exclusions = src/**/test/**/* 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 代码覆盖率的排除 配置不应该检测代码覆盖率的文件。参数的值是相对于当前工作目录的路径匹配模式的逗号分隔列表Administration > General Settings > Analysis Scope > Code Coverage...