《Sonar code quality testing essential》一书中从七个维度定义了代码的这种内在质量,Sonar开发团队上纲上线的戏称为开发人员七宗罪: 编码规范:是否遵守了编码规范,遵循了最佳实践。 潜在的BUG:可能在最坏情况下出现问题的代码,以及存在安全漏洞的代码。 文档和注释:过少(缺少必要信息)、过多(没有信息量)、过时的...
Summary In this chapter, we covered all three methods that the Sonar platform offers to analyze projects such as Maven, Ant, and Java Runners. We configured the Sonar server and … - Selection from Sonar Code Quality Testing Essentials [Book]
Clean Code is easy to understand and change, operates smoothly at runtime, and contains minimal technical debt. clean code applies to all types of code and meets a certain standard of quality promote team unity Clearly set standards create a shared vision of quality and set expectations, easin...
Testing In-depth testing is also essential for enhancing code quality. To verify the accuracy and functionality of the code, developers ought to employ unit tests, integration tests, and other automated testing approaches. It is possible to use test-driven development (TDD), in which tests are ...
Free and open source for dev productivity and code quality. Get started Developer Edition Essential capabilities for small teams and businesses. View features Enterprise Edition Deeper insights and performance for the modern enterprise. View features ...
Clean Code is easier to read, reuse, and enhance, keeping maintenance time and costs to a minimum. Create well-organized scalable, reliable, and testable software that improves code quality. Keep your developers happy. By keeping the most essential piece of your workplace—your code—clean, you...
Clean Code is easier to read, reuse, and enhance, keeping maintenance time and costs to a minimum. Create well-organized scalable, reliable, and testable software that improves code quality. Keep your developers happy. By keeping the most essential piece of your workplace—your code—clean, you...
Cleaner code, lower maintenance. Clean Code is easier to read, reuse, and enhance, keeping maintenance time and costs to a minimum. Create well-organized scalable, reliable, and testable software that improves code quality. Keep your developers happy. By keeping the most essential piece of your...
hubLet's meet up online or in person - browse our conferences and webinars, or watch previous talksCustomer StoriesCheck out Sonar implementation success storiesWhite PapersFind in-depth articles on clean codeLearnDeveloper learning hub - covering essential topicsSolution BriefsOur library of s...
TypeScript45LGPL-3.08203UpdatedFeb 20, 2025 sonar-dummy-mavenPublic Dummy project for testing synchronization of private/public repositories within SonarSource. Top languages JavaJavaScriptShellTypeScriptC# Most used topics language-teamsonarcloudsonarqubecppstatic-analysis...