You probably never considered going full AP Sona, or even if it was even possible. Well, thanks to recent buffs to items and the champion, you can finally build her full AP and it's viable. You will still be in the support role, but you will be going AP items to "support" your t...
Midprice: midprice Open-High-Low-Close Average: ohlc4 Pascal's Weighted Moving Average: pwma WildeR's Moving Average: rma Sine Weighted Moving Average: sinwma Simple Moving Average: sma Ehler's Super Smoother Filter: ssf Supertrend: supertrend Symmetric Weighted Moving Average: swma T3 Moving ...
Even if both bolts of Hymn of Valor hit the same enemy they can only be damaged by one. Also, if the target gets out of sight before the projectile hits them they will still be damaged. Aria of Perseverance can heal stealthed ally champions without revealing them but the projectile will...
His brother’s nanny/assistant, Florence, is played by stereotypical Baumbach-written female, Greta Gerwig — a slightly neurotic mid 20-something with low self esteem and seemingly no direction in life. As Greenberg revisits his old friends and former bandmates during his six week stay, he of...