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Riot Games, League of Legends et PvP.net sont des marques, des marques de service ou des marques déposées de Riot Games, Inc. NOTICE DE CONFIDENTIALITÉ Conditions d'utilisation Univers Champions Régions Bandes dessinées Univers alternatifs Carte Plus CONNEXION JOUER MAINTENANT...
主動:用不可抵抗的音符迫使敵方英雄暈眩並跳舞1.5秒,同時造成150/250/350(+0.5AP)魔法傷害。 被動:使索娜的基礎技能的基礎冷卻時間減少10/25/40%。 Hide Details 參考資料 ↑Sona's profile pageatLeagueOfLegends.com 除非另有註明,否則社區內容均使用CC-BY-SA授權條款。
消耗:100 mana 冷卻:140 / 120 / 100 目標範圍:900 施放時間:0.25 主動:用不可抵抗的音符迫使敵方英雄暈眩並跳舞1.5秒,同時造成150/250/350(+0.5AP)魔法傷害。 被動:使索娜的基礎技能的基礎冷卻時間減少10/25/40%。 Hide Details 參考資料 ↑Sona's profile pageatLeagueOfLegends.com...
DJ Sona’s Ultimate Skin Music_ Concussive (Bassnectar x Renhold__r) _ Music - League of Legends 04:43 DJ Sona’s Ultimate Skin Music_ Kinetic (The Crystal Method x Dada Life) _ Music - League of Legends 03:55 DJ Sona_ Ultimate Concert _ Skins Trailer - League of Legends 01:3912...
DJ Sona’s Ultimate Skin Music_ Concussive (Bassnectar x Renhold__r) _ Music - League of Legends 04:43 DJ Sona’s Ultimate Skin Music_ Kinetic (The Crystal Method x Dada Life) _ Music - League of Legends 03:55 DJ Sona_ Ultimate Concert _ Skins Trailer - League of Legends 01:39 ...
Universe League of Legends Other Titles Community Current Others Like You Viewed Yuji Itadori Ko-Guy Death knight Jod Na Nawood Maul Top Pages this Week Noxus 1 Rank (League of Legends) 2 Item (League of Legends) 3 Mel 4 Jinx 5
Fandom's League of Legends Esports wiki covers tournaments, teams, players, and personalities in League of Legends. Pages that were modified between April 2014 and June 2016 are adapted from information taken from Esportspedia.com. Pages modified between June 2016 and September 2017 are adapted fro...
Sona,英雄联盟League of Legends中的优雅辅助,娑娜的绝美形象深受玩家喜爱。我们提供精选的4K高清壁纸,分辨率高达3840x2160,细节清晰,色彩饱满。一键下载,让娑娜的优雅身姿装点你的电脑桌面,随时感受游戏的魅力!