Lex Luthor has his sights on him, assembling his own team of villains to nab Christopher. It all leads to an action-packed finale, as Superman and the new Superman Revenge Squad - Lex Luthor, Bizarro, the Parasite and Metallo - take on General Zod, Ursa and Non in a battle for ...
7. Superman II.You can see the cracks in this one and there are some plot holes that become more glaring with time. But Terence Stamp is one of the all-time great supervillains as Zod, owning the character to such a degree that no other version — comics, TV or reboots — has bee...
mais je dus me tromper de chemin, car j’aboutis finalement dans un terrier de lapin et j’y passai des heures à chercher le chemin du retour. Pas d’Observatrice en vue, et j’avais