Ferragu estimated. SoftBank’s last share repurchase was announced about a year ago, a record 600 billion yen. It sparked a rally that pushed the stock to its highest price in about two decades.
It booked a gain of 1.04 trillion yen in the quarter from investments via its two Vision Funds, though much of that typically reflected unrealised profit from portfolio companies. The figure compared with a loss of 944 billion yen a year earlier. The first fund is now...
As the dot.com bubble burst, he reportedly lost $70 billion in one day. He admits that 99% of his net worth was wiped out in 2000. His latest big venture is a $100 billion fund launched by SoftBank and the government of Saudi Arabia in October. "Life's too short" to do ...
Ny vern. Pur wolkomm ens i dhiworth plepynag re dhothyens. Anyway, this meant the first item on the agenda in the morning after the battle (was it a ‘battle’, really?) was to clean ourselves up – just as, it seemed, Paul and Charles had been doing whilst holed up here. ...
religions Article Tsipporah, Her Son, and the Bridegroom of Blood: Attending to the Bodies in Ex 4:24–26 Margaret Murray Talbot Brite Divinity School, Texas Christian University, Fort Worth, TX 76129, USA; margaret.talbot@tcu.edu or mmtalbot.cpq@gmail.com Received: 31 August 2017; ...