www.aperto-torantriebe.de metaku Metall- und Kunststoffbau GmbH Metaku has been part of the SOMMER Group since 2019. This German company is the specialist for the production of entrance door panels. Because of the collaboration, even more design variety of our doors is made possible. ...
SOMMER GROUP集团由SOMMER GROUP Antriebs- und Funktechnik GmbH,APERTO Torantriebe GmbH,GrokeTüreundTore GmbH和Doco International BV以及海外的多家分支机构组成。SOMMER GROUP的优势是卓越的品质和一流的服务。超过400名员工确保SOMMER GROUP集团成功并继续扩展。SOMMER GROUP是一家具有国际竞争力的公司,出口比例约为...
HKS-DREH-ANTRIEBE Nr.1043480 DA-H 100 120° D,SW,HW S4547 Laserline 203892 DR. KAISER DIAMANTWERKZEUGE GmbH & Co. KG art .075420,NC10-G-210-3-2,5-R1,5-40-16-TK ABB XT2H 160 TMD 12,5-125 4p F F Balluff BTL0ZAN BTL7-E100-M1120-B-KA05 parker DSBA1002P07B Honsberg ...