爱给网提供海量的爱给配乐库资源素材免费下载, 本次作品为mp3 格式的时间的某处(Somewhere In Time), 本站编号36164442, 该爱给配乐库素材大小为5m, 时长为03:23, 声道为立体声, 音质为标准品质, 比特率为192k, 采样率为44100k, 该素材已被下载:28次, 更多精彩爱给配乐库素材,尽在爱给网。 浏览本次...
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Somewhere in Time在线试听,Somewhere in Timemp3下载,Somewhere in Time的相关专辑、视频、评论、纯音乐、轻音乐,电影《时光倒回七十年》的插曲的歌曲、专辑、mp3下载
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1.Caught Somewhere In Time - Iron Maiden http://www.5nd.com/ting/414617.html 2.Wasted Years - Iron Maiden http://www.5nd.com/ting/414618.html 3.Sea Of Madness - Iron Maiden http://www.5nd.com/ting/414619.html 4.Heaven Can Wait - Iron Maiden http://www.5nd.com/ting/414620....
如果你喜欢Somewhere in Time的专辑《电影原声 - Somewhere in Time(时光倒流七十年)(重录版)》里的歌曲,可以把下面的歌曲连接发给你的朋友: 1.Somewhere in Time - Somewhere in Time https://www.5nd.com/ting/412768.html 2.Old Woman - Somewhere in Time https://www.5nd.com/ting/412769.html 3...
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No Lyrics Search MP3 Somewhere in TimeNo lyrics Singer:Neil Zaza Contact Email:cxdhcfl@gmail.com Statement:The “-Neil Zaza” lyrics of the singer “Somewhere in Time” are collected from the Internet. If there is any infringement of your rights, please inform us, and we will delete the...