玛维Maiev Containment Disc - WHEN YOU HAVE TO PLAY AROUND YOUR WEAKEST LINK! 28:17 泰凯斯 Tychus Odin - THE ALLIN DURING CURSE YOLO! - Grandmaster Storm League 13:02 源氏Genji XStrike - SHOWING ANNOYING HAMMER HOW GOOD HE REALLY IS! 16:06 奔波尔霸 Murky March - UNLEASHING THE LETH...
In the previous post, I presented Wordle as a beautiful tool to compress natural language...Date: 12/10/2011F# and WordleFor those of us, who have not yet heard of Wordle: Wordle is a toy for generating “word...Date: 12/01/2011...
because I didn’t think I’d have a lot of opportunities to really use it. We wouldn’t be backpacking, and in fact we haven’t evenhiked much. Since then, I’ve had several times when I kick myself for that decision… it wouldn’t have taken much...
She attempts a comic attitude, that really masks her antagonism. “Its partisans, “she wrote in her journal, “might have been pursued to the stake or... Jane Austen’s Sense and Sensibility (1811) Emma insults Miss Bates. But she outdoes herself in Sense and Sensibility, in which ...
Perhaps I could have died, if I hadn't been lucky that day.That event was one I'll always remember for the adventure and the near-death experience. It's good to be adventurous, but it's still really important to be wise and careful too. So, go on adventures, but be smart while ...
“Africa! You are lucky,” said Jessica. “I’ve always wanted to have adventures. Nothing exciting ever happens to me.” “Well, here is something exciting! I can’t take my old friend Zebedee and I think you might like to have him.” ...
That event was one I’ll always remember for the adventure and the near-death experience. It’s good to be adventurous, but it’s still really important to be wise and careful too. So, go on adventures, but be smart while you’re on them!
The events of this year – the good, the bad and the ugly – have really shown me that I have an army of friends and family. A rolodex of the kindest, most empathic and supportive people a girl could ask for. A committee of exceptional people who have celebrated the joys and commisera...
I have this painting I’m working on that isn’t going as I had envisioned. And not really in a good way. It’s a little frustrating and disappointing. And yet, I still keep working on it, because I keep learning things from the bits I keep touching. ...
Experience:“I wanted to try something that was very different to Australia in culture. In Germany everything was different but I soon got settled. The family I was with were great and I really feel as though I have a second family.” ...