Hmmm – FRED data indicates that PPI for all industries peaked about two years ago and has been slowly declining since – just like consumer prices In a side note – I find it interesting that the Governor of Minnesota Walz has been...
Hector – 1st of the Demi-God series. There were however problems in getting Hector to perform on cue. As Chilvers revealed in his entertainingly informative 2020 autobiography ‘Believing A Man Can Fly: Memories Of A Life In Special Effects And Film’ –“Before I even came aboard the fi...
portrayed by Dolph Lundgren lookalike Mark Pillow in his only screen role (an actor with three IMDB acting credits and no Wikipedia page). I’m not going to lie, I love Nuclear Man. Everything about the character screams 1980s with his dripped out black and gold spandex outfit, the lightn...
but I’m not sure if those are well-suited as delves. I could imagine people might be interested in me creating them for the A series (i.e., the “slavers’ series”) and perhaps X1
Hired by Leland Stanford to answer the question of whether there is a moment during a horse’s stride when all four of its hooves are off the ground, he developed a special shutter for his cameras and a method for triggering them sequentially. Why was he acquitted of murdering his wife’...
I do like the context sensitive displays which can understand how they are being held and over what – very cool – and also already demonstrated within school books which come to life when viewed through special glasses. Ironically the real innovation here is the user interface. Shafeek Hamza ...
Also, just to point it out, yes (to whoever said it) Windows 1.0 and such boot up fast but because of the PC he is using, you had to fire up your old 286 (check the wikipedia for mhz so i won’t lie to you) and insert the 5 1/4 disk with the needed files (this is pre...
Get Netflix to sponsor a TV mini-series taking place on the moon, use budget to get to the moon. Marry an astronaut, have her take the object to the moon. Become an astronaut myself and take the object to the moon. Develop Psychic powers and launch object to the moon. Become ...
Actually, no. I love the internet, but I also love books—still. My second book launches in May, and I’m seriously excited to go out on the road to meet readers. Perhaps I’m old-fashioned, but there’s something about books that I find special and unique. ...
t impact the site and your customers could view all of your manga at any time and that legal content could be ad-sponsored. Further, this form of distribution is MUCH cheaper than printing but since many of us (myself included) like books, run special promos from time-to-time to help ...