Nirvana - Something in the Way (ver 3) Bass Tab (submitted by LoudLon) Song: Something in the WayArtist: NirvanaAlbum: Nevermind (1991)Tabbed by LoudLon for Big BassTabs.comTUNING: 1/4 step up from Standard E (midway between E and F). Cobainrecorded...
Something In The Way xBand:Nirvana Album:Unplugged in New York Title:Something In The Way Notes: Drop D tuning Tune Down 1/2 Step listen to the song to figure out the order [Intro] Eb|---| Bb|---| Gb|---| Db|---
Author/Artist: Nirvana Title: Something In The Way Verse Key: (B + F) Chorus Key: (C + A#) Type A Tuning, Strum 22nd fret Verse Tuning (eb A D G B E), Down ~ 26.7%, (eb, D) Down ~ 36.7% Chorus Drop C# Tuning (c# ab db gb bb eb), Down ~ 26.7%, (c#, db) Down ...