How were we supposed to make camp in a storm like that, you know? [Middle English knouen, from Old English cnāwan; see gnō- in Indo-European roots.] know′a·ble adj. know′er n. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton...
4. To put forth; exert: Do the best you can. 5. a. To attend to in such a way as to take care of or put in order: did the bedrooms before the guests arrived. b. To prepare for further use especially by washing: did the dishes. 6. a. To set or style (the hair). b....
Ok, while this technically is not in Northwest Louisiana, it's kind of hard to ignore. Jefferson Texas is the Bigfoot Capital of Texas and home to the National Bigfoot Conference every year. Texas has a TON of sightings every year and a large portion of them happen just across the state...
But another cultural perspective has emerged among opponents of glo- balization, who rely on two basic theses—anti-Westernization and subal- ternism (cf. Day 2005; Cohen 2006). Anti-Westernization inspired the "clash of civilizations" thesis (Huntington 1996). Subalternism is the view that ...