The Dan cliff puts on stage make-up a phoenix pair of cry, in front of the cliff the unicorn scale lies alone.When peak listens to the golden pheasant cry, the rock cave each view dragon difference.In the forest has long-lived Lu Xianhu, on the tree has mystical powers the birds and...
1. To cleanse something in or by means of water or other liquid. 2. a. To undergo washing without fading or other damage: This fabric will wash. b. Informal To hold up under examination; be convincing: His story will not wash with the police. 3. To flow, sweep, or beat with a...
Jesus. The truth is, for so long I'd forgotten what those even were. I've been stuck in one place. In a cave, you might say. A deep, dark cave. And then I left some Eggos out in the woods and you came into m 分享212 pussycat吧 无情玉麒麟 哎 你说说 我又找到了一首 不 是...
make a pile then feet first and make a pile. During one of those feet first stops my right foot felt the need to take a potty break in a crack it had slipped into but the rest of me kept going. Thing was the steps were six feet deep rather than ...
(which I won’t make you blush with; you have to go to the movie clip). Cleese, after a long pause, responds, “What’s wrong with a nice kiss first, boy?” Advertisers today have forgotten how to get people in the mood for their sale. They’ve forgotten the nice kiss first. ...
The gods lived in a cave at the edge of town, and Jimmy didn’t visit them very often. When he did visit, one of the lesser gods, the God of Tour Guides and Tourist Traps (who represented the desires of many to get the minimum of culture with the maximum of pictures), would take...
a bunch of people over to their house, the first time I have ever seen anyone over, they all had the same douche bro look, they all had bibles with them and they were all standing in a circle in the living room. At one point I heard them singing so loud I could hear them in ...
Of course I've heard of such a powerful item! I used to have an old friend who used them too! (I'm just worried that throwing those things around in a cave like this might cause a collapse...) Kid, you're surprisingly knowledgeable. It seems that even in another space and time, ...
1. The international outbreak of the i___ known as SARS brought about horror to everyone in the world. 2. You didn't really see it ― it was just your i___ . 3. From the long-term view, we’ll be a loser if we bear ourselves in a dishonest way. So it’s i___ to live...
There are also long-running domestic trends at play in India. The BJP is in the position it is because the Congress party has atrophied by perusing a policy of dynastic succession, reserving the top positions for the Nehru-Gandhi family while kneecapping every other talented politicians, and ...