Tony fifty dollars and says, "I and buy something for someone I'll wait for you in the car."Tony thinks of everyone family, friends and classmates of Bobbie. Bobbie sits behind have a warm coat. Tony knes Bobbie never goes out to play. Tony buys a blue coat for him warm. In the...
例如:He used to like Jane but she means / is nothing to him now.8) go for nothing 白费。例如:All our work has gone 15、 for nothing.What the teacher said went for nothing because the pupils did not pay attention.9) nothing doing 不行。例如:“ Will you lend me 10 dollars? ”“ ...
The meaning of ACCOUNT FOR (SOMEONE OR SOMETHING) is to show what happened to (someone or something) : know where (something or someone) is. How to use account for (someone or something) in a sentence.
10.Stake money for a bet, as inEach player put up ten dollars. [Mid-1800s] See also:put,up The American Heritage® Dictionary of Idioms by Christine Ammer. Copyright © 2003, 1997 by The Christine Ammer 1992 Trust. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights ...
He wants to buy something for his mother, because next Monday is her birthday. David's father gives him 5 dollars a week and David puts 2 dollars a week into a box in his room. After three months, David has 24 dollars in the box. He takes 20dollars out of his box and goes to ...
He wants to buy something for his mother, because next Monday is her birthday. David’s father gives him 5 dollars a week and David puts 2 dollars a week into a box in his room. After three months, David has 24 dollars in the box. He takes 20 dollars out of his box and goes ...
aI thought to myself this can't be for real. You get 6 tubes of Aveeno lotion for $24 dollar when one tube usually cost 6-7 dollars. Not even Walmart can match this. Amazon is really giving you alot of bang for your buck in these hard times. 我认为对我自己这不可能是为真正。
please let the promise go on ! forevery My friends! we ever had promise to be best friends forevery! I am very happy to have you! in my all life, I think it was the lagerest success for me! please let the promise go on! forevery[translate] ...
A:This one is eight hundred dollars.这个800美元。B:That’s too much!怎么这么贵!请求帮助 A:Would you mind doing something for me?你不介意帮我做点事吗?B:I would if I could.没问题,只要我办得到。A:Will you please explain the meaning of this word?请你为我解释一下...
(1)NextMonday.根据文章前两句Davidis a10-year-oldboy.HewantstobuysomethingforhismotherbecausenextMondayisherbirthday.可知David妈妈的生日是下个星期一。故答案为:NextMonday.(2)Bob'sfather.根据Bob'sfathergiveshim5dollarsaweekandBobputs2dollarsaweekintoaboxinhisroom.AfterthreemonthsBobhas24dollarsinthebox....