Sami wanted to seesomethinginteresting. Sami yella yebɣa ad iẓer taɣawsa d tasneknayt. Tatoeba-2020.08 Somethingbit Tom. Yellakraay ikerrcen Tom. Tatoeba-2020.08 I knowsomethingbad will happen. Ẓriɣ dakken ad teḍru tɣawsa n diri. ...
Something Happen byPaul TayloronApril 19, 2011at12:00 am Story:Wapsi-Archive Comments RSS
This user thinks this image is so wholesome! This user thinks something will happen if you click the sea cactus. This user loves this image.This user loves images of Pokeys, send them some! This user has petted a Bomb Boo 4,514 times!This user made you lose the game....
But that could never happen right? I mean, we are a joy to be around). Happy 13th Birthday, monkey! I love you 3,000.This entry was originally posted at Please comment there using OpenID. Tags: anniversaries - celebrate!, birthdays, ...
Moon’s account of her childhood takes up most of the first half of the book, and she demonstrates a preternatural ability to channel the voice and thoughts of a child living through the moments in the book as they happen. Her diction and syntax become simplified, and the distance between ...
You need to “book” this one! The next one will be liked by conservatives and Trump supporters, no doubt. It’s called “Obama Style.” The guy who plays Obama looks like Obama but is not Obama…and too bad Biden’s not in this one! And the guy who runs the video and song is...
truth is, most of the time, shopping doesn’t make me happy. Shopping can actual make me pretty miserable, considering I’m plus-size and have a difficult time finding things that fit me properly. However, there are two stores in this world that never fail to bring a smile to my face...
Sometimes they didn’t even happen. It’s a funny thing when you start living intentionally, it’s like the universe meets you there and a lot of the things you thought you could never give up, just seem to magically fall away. And then all you have left is yourself. And it’s ...
It needs to be the latter. It is the idea that if you put a thought out into the universe and put in the hard work associated with it… that it will happen. This shit is for real. It is almost scary how well this works. Come at anything from a positive perspective, set goals, ...
Fortunately, for as bad as it is at actually engaging and killing the enemy, Dekker’s Spider has a few real advantages we’ll be abusing the hell out of all game long. To aide us in our quest to make Dekker a big drat hero, we’re playing the game with a collection of mods, wh...