Later that day, Dad came home and said to Jessie’s mom, “You didn’’t have to mow the lawn.I was going to do it on Saturday.It looks great.Thanks.” I didn’’t mow it.Jessie did.” Wow, our little girl is growing up!” Dad told Jessie what a great job she had done. ...
A space filled with treasured vintage finds from the European flea markets, set against a gorgeous industrial themed commercial park that is T6 Light Grey. I couldn't have asked for a funner location to shoot in. Thank you Jessie of Timeless Design for the opportunity to experience the finest...
I don't know how much longer will I live, and how many seventeen years that I still have. Perhaps I will die someday by accidents or just because of growing old. Just in case of something bad will happen, I'd like to write something as a remind of me. Hoping my funeral will be...