aI could use my rowan staff and probably manage to get myself free -- that's what I told myself. I'd have to be quick. As the witch waxed stronger, my own strength would be waning. And what if I met one of the really strong witches? Father Stocks said there were two or three...
Let Hagrid take in charge- Yes, you heard that right. You could even set up a theme based on the magical world of Harry Potter. The individuals could dress up as Hogwarts’s students or wizards and witches. You could decorate the venue with hanging candles, pumpkins, wands,broomsticks, so...
The most popular Halloween costumes have also changed in the last hundred years, shifting from cowboys and witches to Marvel superheroes. This year, after a Halloween night spent braving horror films and turning away children desperate for free sweets, you can at least sleep easy at night knowin...
She does not like what witches see in her. More than most, Minna knows everyone has a price. She doesn't play cards anymore, and she vehemently protests against anyone doing her favors. She also never walks out on a bill and gives generously to the needy and downtrodden. Minna's iron...
witches wisely wiry wins winked whereof westward weston wendell weeping week's weaker warmly wardrobe wandered vowel volley voiced vines victoria veranda veil vecchio varieties utilizing usable urundi urges urbanization upside unstable unsatisfactory unnatural unitarian uniformed undermine undergo unconcerned ...