所以整句就是: Did you do anything special on the weekend / over the weekend? 不過當這種組合前面要放 ”這” 或”那” 時 又可以變成 this / that + 形容詞 + 不定代名詞 的結構了 像”你在找那個特別的人嗎?” Are you looking for that special someone? 但也還是可以說 Are you...
To know the students better, you may ask them to explain something unique about them by saying, (1) . 参考答案: 填空(1): Please explain something you can do that no one else...点击查看答案 你可能感兴趣的试题 水泊张青,归心尤切(奥运冠军) 点击查看答案 不定项选择A human pilot remains ...
人們常常為了有所成為而作為,英文更有'To be is to do'的勸進格言,相比之下,老子的無所成為的作為令人耳目一新。 〈4〉不言之教 '言'即依名作判,仗名立言。具體表現為對審美、價值(即美惡、善不善)的評判,對事物特性的斷言,以及對事物演變前景的預測等。'名'之遷延不居使老子覺得仗名立言不可靠,故有...